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Dragon Pals Review

воскресенье 12 апреля admin 9
Dragon Pals Review 3,6/5 1766 reviews

99,881 likes 9 talking about this. Befriend and train dragons as they fight a dark force which threatens the realm. Raise your dragon.

Well I just finished the Dragonar Academy, also known as Seikoku no Dragonar, anime. I decided to do this as I noticed this series really isn't as popular as I expected it to be.

Now a little background before anything, I became interested in the series purely by seeing the manga on a shelf in my local Barnes and Noble, the front of the book made it look like a purely ecchi series, and anyone who knows me knows I'm a sucker for ecchi, because 9/10 times, series in that genre are purely hilarious (examples: To Love: Ru, High School DxD & Rosario+Vampire), with that being said, the series isn't as ecchi as I thought it was, but I enjoyed the manga anyway. However, do expect boobs if you do read the manga, the anime is censored so you won't see anything there.

Just remember, this review will be on the anime only, not the manga, as the manga is further along than the anime. The summaries and descriptions will be copy-pasted from the Dragonar Academy wiki so there may be some manga mentions however. I hope you enjoy this, and maybe some of you will actually want to give the series a try.

First off, I'd like to say it has a decent storyline, purely original for the most part. In the beginning it shows a lot of promise for something truly spectacular. But all in all, it wasn't so much.

Quick summary: In a land of dragons, citizens called breeders train their dragon pals. Races of dragons are born from breeders who are marked with Seikoku, also known as star brands. Learning to ride and tame dragons comes easy to most students at Ansarivan Dragonar Academy - except for Ash Blake, a first-year student who is known by his classmates as the 'problem child.' Despite his unusually large star brand that marks him as a future dragon master, his dragon has never appeared. Until now, that is. One day, while challenging fellow student, princess Silvia Lautreamont, to a dragon race, Ash's dragon appears, but in a form different than any dragon ever seen before - a beautiful girl. Ash names her Eco and soon discovers that this new dragon has attitude to spare, as she promptly informs him that she is the master, and he, her servant. Ash's problems with dragon riding have only just begun.

My take: *Spoilers Ahead* So the summary tells most of the beginning of the plot, later on there is quite a character development, from Ash being given an arch, which is basically a suit of armor, when a dragon is forcefully revived from the dead to destroy the city of Ansarivan to help qualm the beast, finding all the beast wanted was to be laid back to rest. To Eco realizing what she truly wants in her companionship with Ash, to Ash's desires to become the best, become a dragonar and eventually an Archdragonar, which is on the same level as nobility in the Lautreamont Kingdom.

In the end Eco, is forced into her true dragon form and possessed by the soul of a rogue dragon in an attempt to eradicate the human race and allow dragons to be the supreme race of the world. The ending, you have to see for yourself.

Major Characters________________________

Ash Blake

Ash is very hard working, loyal and a kind person who generally tries to help everyone he's associated with but Ash is easily angered when his dragon is insulted. However, he hates standing out, which is why he hides his rather large and ornate Seikoku. He used to hate the idea of being a Breeder, but since becoming one, has tried to do right by his Dragon Pal.

As the course of the series has continued, Ash' inability to fear cultural status has put him in positions where he's given rather forceful 'pep-talks' to people of higher statuses during stressful and haughty situations. This has caused many people of higher statuses to respect him for his bravery and honesty. This bravery and honest has humorously caused him to grow a very large and unwanted harem of admirers.

Eco, Ash's parr

Eco is a very strong willed young woman, and can often be very stubborn and selfish. She is also a glutton, preferring meat and crepes, and loving to sleep in.

She cares a lot for Ash; showing signs of jealousy when he's around other women. She initially exhibits a certain level of verbal dominance over Ash, constantly referring to him as a 'dog' and to herself as his master, indicating her feelings of superiority. However, in reality Eco is fully aware that Ash is her master and that she is the 'pet' (as she describes herself), but she doesn't want to admit it because of her pride and because she believes that if she does that she will be nothing but a 'tamed pet' and will then only be loved as a tamed pet, which is not love she wants Ash to give to her.

She can be somewhat childish due to her young age, to the point where she perceived it as an attack when Silvia asked her about the toy Ash gave her (which was the Lancelot doll she herself gave away).

Silvia Lautreamont, the fourth princess of the Lautreamont family.

Silvia affects a very stern demeanor, she is very concerned about propriety, and presenting a good image as a princess. She feels she has to always live up to her position, and the standards of her elder sister, Veronica. This belief is also directed towards others as Silvia hates to see people she perceives as lazy. This initially causes her some conflict with Ash Blake (who ironically was the boy from her memory she is so loyally in love with), whose Pal had not even been born yet, after he accidentally caused a collision with her Lancelot. She is fiercely competitive, as shown by the fact that since Ash can ride any dragon, she too wanted to try doing it just to prove she wasn't inferior to him.

She is also terrified of her sister, Veronica, up until the point where her encounter with Avdocha forces her to grow out of her indecisive nature and loudly proclaim her intentions to become Paladin.

It becomes evident after Ash helps her during the race that she's begun to develop feelings for him, which continue to develop, much to her own self-denial. After she learned that Ash was indeed the boy she met during the Orphan Ceremony, Silvia openly expresses that she owes him everything for giving her Lancelot and admits that she's in love with him, even bypassing Echo and kissing him outright much to everyone's shock.

She appears to be somewhat shaken by thunder and lightning.

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Navi, the physical form of all dragon memories

Navi is no ordinary figure, but the incarnation of the Dragweis, or the collective memories of all dragons since the beginning of time. It is she who will eventually decide who will win the battle between Eco and Mordred.

Veronica Lautreamont, the first princess of the Lautreamont family.

Veronica is very strict and disciplined, she speaks with such authority that her voice itself can cause people and dragons alike to freeze; Ash Blake stated that she is a very intimidating person. She is very strict on Silvia Lautreamont; giving her rigorous training since she was young which has given her a great fear of her older sister. Despite her cold attitude towards everyone around her, she loves her sister Silvia above all else; even giving her ship, the Silvanus, a name that is similar to her sister's name.

Her feelings for Silvia actually go far enough to be called a sister complex. She has pictures of her throughout her room, and even a lifesized Silvia doll. Besides this she has clothes that Silva has worn, a record of her growth, and even a poem that she wrote about her missing Silvia. She also became somewhat worried that Silvia was getting close to Ash.

She is a very level headed thinker, in terms of military matters and strategies. She is also notable, as she was able to use her visit and Avdocha's fake hostage situation to lure out some of her enemies. She also swiftly examined every dragon grave after realizing how Necromancia are made.

Despite her intimidating persona she is not immune to being intimidated herself. Her brother, Julius, is not scared of her in any way, but due to knowing just how far her obsession with Silvia goes allows him to blackmail her. She was also noticeably shaken by Echo's dragon form.


Mordred has, or rather, had, two distinct personalities, his good half and his evil half, which was born due to his being a descendant of the Dark Kingdom of Nehalennia. When Julius killed Modred, his good half remained in his body and perished with it, only to be later revived as the first Necromancia and then permanently killed by Ash. His evil half, however, was able to avoid this fate by possessing Julius' own body.

Julius Lautreamont

Julius is the eldest child and only son of the Lautreamont royal family. Julius was the first of the children to become a Breeder. He was also the best friend and schoolmate of Glenn McGuire. Julius was exiled, though officially he was executed, for killing his Dragon, Mordred, making all but few believe he had gone crazy. In truth it was to stop an evil second personality that began consuming Mordred, which both he and Julius agreed to, but the result was Julius being possessed by the evil personality. For ten years Julius was possessed, though at some point he began working as a spy for the Zepharos Empire, under the guise of Milgauss. After the evil personality eventually left his body Julius regained control of his and returned to his country and family.

Final words:

Story: 7/10

The story, as I mentioned before, showed plenty of promise in the beginning. But it took a route that you can compare to Sword Art Online (fans, yes this is one of my favorites too, so hear me out). It had an amazing and original storyline, a route no other anime I know of has gone before it, but as time went on, the main focus shifted more towards the relationships of Ash, Eco and Silvia together, followed by Ash's bravery and honesty gaining him his own 'harem' of fans and followers that wish to have their way with him, this again shifts back towards Ash, Eco and Silvia towards the end of the anime. I do have to say however, I like how the anime stuck with the original story of the manga though. That being said, the loss of the original premise is what brought the rating down for me, as much as I truly enjoy the story at the same time, but I'm not trying to be biased towards the series in a review.

Characters: 8/10

Dragon pals review course

The characters in the show are very eclectic, from the major characters to the side characters, they all seem to bring the story together as well as make it complete. The anime could have brought along more character development than it did, but you truly do get a feel for them as the series progresses too.

Animation: 10/10

The animation for this series was truly spectacular. You could truly get a sense of the battles that ensue in the story and you can appreciate how well the dragons are animated, as well as the characters themselves and the environment around. The animation truly brings out the beauty in the women of the series as well..just saying.

Music/Soundtrack: 7/10

The music within the series..thats a tough one, the opening theme is absolutely beautiful, and much of the soundtrack to the series is very good as well, but some of it just didn't seem to fit for me. The ending theme I just didn't really enjoy at all, couldn't tell you why, I just didn't enjoy it, the ending animation is a different story, very colorful and a fun looking animation that you can immerse yourself in, but the theme just didn't fit even though it was upbeat, just my own opinion though.

So even though this wasn't the absolute best anime I've watched, I still absolutely enjoyed it. I'm actually surprised it's not that popular as a decently good fanbase would probably bring more to the table for this series. It's only 12 episodes long, which covers the first 4 volumes of the manga, there's plenty more volumes released, so you can watch this then pick up volume 5 and still continue with the story from where it left off as the anime follows the manga perfectly, which is great in its own right.

I definitely recommend giving it at least a try and seeing if you're interested in more of the series. I know I cleared Barnes and Noble of every volume of the manga because I have truly enjoyed it. Maybe you'll enjoy it like me, maybe you won't, but it never hurts to get your own opinion.

Thank you for your time reading this, I hope you all have enjoyed my review!