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Fast Rmx Review

понедельник 13 апреля admin 15
Fast Rmx Review 4,1/5 9248 reviews

Fast RMX Review. Futuristic arcade racers used to be all the rage. F-Zero, Extreme G and Wipeout were among my favorites taking up countless hours of my time. Mar 11, 2017  Fast RMX review – After you're done playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on your new Nintendo Switch, you should seriously consider picking up Fast RMX. Trusted Reviews.

MSRP $19.99After a flurry of boosts, we’re careening down a dip in Cameron Hills, a raceway perilously suspended in the stratosphere. We’re propelled into a semi-enclosed underpass lined with three boost pads: orange, blue, orange. With no time to think, our ship fizzles, losing speed as we cross the orange pad. Before we even reach the second pad, six ships whizz past me.The constant threat of going from the podium ceremony to the back of the pack in a split-second harks back to nerve-wrecking sessions of the Nintendo sci-fi racing series, F-Zero. While it shakes things up just enough to attain an identity of its own, it’s hard to avoid seeing that storied series in Fast RMX’s perpetual adrenaline rush and zany track design.That isn’t the only reason it might seem familiar: Fast RMX is actually an enhanced version of Fast Racing Neo, a 2015 Wii U eShop game. RMX features 14 new tracks, bringing the total to 30, and new versions of its original tracks.

Yet Fast RMX feels more like the third leg of developer Shin’en Multimedia’s homage to high-octane sci-fi arcade racers, than a remix of old content.Like F-Zero, Fast RMX excels as a futuristic anti-gravity racer that stresses quick reflexes, speed, and forethought of your surroundings. Fast RMX’s screaming pace requires your unblinking attention, and it earns every moment that it holds you. Up the speed, up the funAll great arcade racers, particularly those in the F-Zero and Wipeout vein, hinge on amplified, unceasing speed.

Fast RMX is no slouch in this department. Even when keeping a nominal pace, your ship barrels forward at dizzying speeds. Precise, slick controls keep the pace from becoming unruly. Fast RMX resonates the most when you are, well, going fast. Thankfully, the game boasts 60 FPS in both console and handheld mode, and even at expert speed, there are no noticeable framerate drops.Adding a layer of complexity, elongated blue and orange boost pads are scattered all throughout each course, adding an Ikaruga-style color matching component.

Your ship has to match the color of the pad to kick you into overdrive. Fortresscraft. If you clash orange with blue, the boost pad will have the reverse effect, taking the wind out of you instead.

Fast RMX’s screaming pace requires your unblinking attentionThe orange and blue dichotomy also extends to the orbs that fill your boost meter. The orbs switch colors, filling your tank when you nab one that aligns with your ship’s color. As the speed heightens, knowing when to manually give your ship an extra push in the claustrophobic tracks is paramount.The mechanic, which has been featured in everything from platformers to shoot-em-ups, feels at home on the racetrack. The constant switching, while searching for pads and power-ups, makes the game feel like a more active experience. Plus, it’s rather fitting that the most defining mechanic of the Switch’s first racing game literally involves a seamless “switch” of ship phases.

Amusement park thrillsStringing together that perfect boost chain is rewarding in itself, but the gameplay is generously complemented by a wide array of levels, each of which feels markedly different than the last. The eclectic library makes each of these courses a new experience — Parts of the track are in perpetual motion, and there are numerous obstacles to avoid, from boulders, to death rays, to bizarre four-legged mechs.Many courses are fragmented, requiring you to glide across open air, and align yourself with the next section for a safe landing. Occasionally, color-specific gaps and barriers stand in your way, and if your ship doesn’t match you’ll crash. If that isn’t enough speed and tension, many tracks feature some risky shortcut, which require a perfectly timed boost and a leap of faith off the track.Every track features mercilessly sharp turns and elevation changes, but even tracks that don’t have, say, breath-defying jumps, separate themselves by setting. From shiny, futuristic skylines to forests to desert terrains to snowy mountains, Fast RMX takes you across the world and beyond.

Steredenn achievements

There’s also shifting weather conditions such as rain and dust to account for, and intermittent threats of falling off the road to always be conscious of. Mostly a one trick ponyWhile blinding riveting speed and excellent levels feel great, they cannot hide the fact Fast RMX doesn’t have the robust feature-set to keep the magic alive for long. Each of the 30 tracks feels wholly unique.The main mode, Championship, contains 10 cups with three tracks a piece. As you notch victories at novice difficulty, advanced and expert formats unlock, as well as new ships — 15 in all.

Once you get the hang of the speed, you can try Hero Mode, an expert test of endurance that ends your run if you hit too many walls.While these modes are satisfying, it’s strange to see an arcade racer in 2017 without a quick race option. When flying solo, you only have the option to compete in cups or die a thousand deaths in Hero mode. This means that if your favorite track is the last leg of a cup, you’ll have to play the other two courses first. There’s no other way around it. Alone on the trackSimilarly, Fast RMX ’s multiplayer varies wildly depending on which of the Switch’s many controllers you decide to use. While you and a friend can compete using the console’s individual Joy-Cons turned on its side, doing so restricts both players to six buttons and one analog stick, causing inadvertent inputs that are hard to overcome in a game that stresses precision.This isn’t a problem if you have extra Joy-Cons or a pro controller, in which case you can play with multiple full-sized controllers.

Better yet, with two Switches you can connect and play over over a local network.Even under the best of circumstances, though, the game’s online multiplayer offering feels bare-bones. Online races feature 2-8 players, with only one game mode: quick play. There is no lobby, matchmaking, or method for playing with friends, and there’s no rewards or skill system to track progression, save for a points system that is meaningless because of the absence of leaderboards. (This could be related to the Switch’s generally lackluster online infrastructure).It isn’t often that a racing game is more engaging as a single player experience, but here we are.

Our TakeFast RMX offers consistently satisfying anti-gravity racing, and its diverse course design catapults it to the upper echelons of the F-Zero umbrella of racers. Fast RMX adds a layer of simple, yet effective depth, making it a worthy, if light addition to the pantheon of arcade racers for both casual gamers and those looking for a challenge.Is there a better alternative?No. Until Mario Kart 8 Deluxe launches in April, 2017, Fast RMX is the only racing game on the Switch. Further down the road, a second F-Zero-style racer, Redout, will come to the Switch later this year.

Wipeout: Omega Collection will deliver a similar experience to PS4 in 2017 as well.How long will it last?Depending on your skills, the Championship series should keep you occupied for 5-10 hours, and the ridiculously challenging Hero mode should keep you going for quite awhile. If you have extra controllers, split-screen multiplayer is also worth a few hours of your time. There are also plans for adding a time trial mode and the ability to race with friends online post-launch, which would increase the game’s online potential.Should you buy it?Yes. Racing fans, and particularly F-Zero fans, should take Fast RMX for a spin.

It’s one of the best launch games for Switch and it’s only $20.Editors' Recommendations.

    • Platforms:
    • Switch
  • Developer: Shin'en Multimedia
  • Publisher:Shin'en Multimedia
  • Release: March 03, 2017

Shin’en Multimedia have been a huge proponent of Nintendo over the years. Since getting their start on the Game Boy Color, the developer has since produced all manner of games (racing and otherwise) for Nintendo platforms. In 2011, FAST Racing League launched on WiiWare and proved the beginning of the FAST series. A few years later, FAST Racing NEO hit the Wii U eShop and gained a larger following. However, the FAST community took its greatest stride this March with FAST RMX landing a launch spot on the Nintendo Switch eShop. Many never played a previous game in the series before, and they don’t have to. The concepts behind the title are incredibly easy to comprehend.

On one hand, FAST RMX brings to mind the Nintendo classic F-Zero. This is thanks to an intense focus on speed. The game is called “FAST” for a reason, after all! Even the aesthetic feels similar to F-Zero with a focus on far flung futuristic locales speeding on by and cool as heck vehicles. Folks may also find it similar to another racing series – Wipeout. This is most evidenced by the menu design and overall clean, futuristic tone. Despite their similarities, FAST RMX does not feel like a carbon copy of either title and attempts to differentiate itself via a few gameplay components. Depending on what you love about racing games, these aspects may prove to be great differentiators or annoyances in an otherwise enjoyable racer.

The most notable aspect of gameplay takes inspiration from the likes of Ikaruga. As you race on tracks, there will occasionally be colored strips or ramps along the way. These come in two colors: Blue and yellow. Driving over one while your vehicle is set to the same color provides a tremendous speed boost. If you fail to swap colors in time, the strip actually will slow you down to a tremendous degree. Often, this slowdown is enough to get at least one racer to overtake you. The same holds true for the ramps. Failing to select the right color almost always means you’ll end up failing the jump and crashing into a wall or falling into nothingness. This means that players need to be adept at swapping between the two colors on the fly.

Folks who have been gaming for a while should have little issue with swapping colors in FAST RMX generally. Early stages feature color strips that are far enough apart and placed in such a way that it’s not difficult to prepare ahead of time. Later on, strips may be nearly overlaid, causing players to need to switch in rapid succession. It’s also possible to completely ignore driving over a strip, but then you won’t receive an extra dose of speed (that likely all other competitors will opt to receive). Boosting at these areas alone won’t get you to victory beyond the earliest, novice stages.

There’s also a need to collect orbs floating around every level. No, these don’t offer attacks like in Mario Kart. Instead, they all contribute to a boost meter. This boost can be used at any time that the bar is not depleted. Used strategically, it can work to overtake an opponent in the final stretch or simply make up a loss. Just be careful as some of the faster vehicles are so ridiculously speedy with boost that you might end up careening off the road entirely. That’s just part of the challenge. Although it’s possible for good racers to totally ace a stage on the first try, many may want to replay them. By replaying you’ll start to memorize where color switches are, as well as locations where it’s best (or worst) to use boost.

Then there’s the matter of obstacles in FAST RMX. While trying to stay ahead of the pack and managing your car’s color, you’ll also sometimes need to worry about dynamic obstacles in the environment. These may take the form of boring old pillars which are usually easy enough to avoid. Or it may come in the form of lasers, giant smashing feet, weird mechanical spiders, or any other number of active dangers. Moving objects are by far the least enjoyable aspect of the game. After all, players want to go extremely fast and careening headfirst into an obstacle that got in the way at the last second proves infuriating. It really puts a damper on the gorgeous vistas and sense of speed.

FAST RMX manages to be one of the best examples for indie developers on Switch to follow because of Shin’en Multimedia’s decision to make use of basically every feature and permutation of the system. HD Rumble and gyroscopic controls are available for those who wish to use them. The game can also be played in any orientation – Switch on TV, Switch as handheld or in tabletop mode and with the JoyCons or Pro Controller. After launch they also added in the option to play multiplayer either with friends locally or in an online mode. So far, online matches take less than a minute to get into (although they aren’t generally packed full of eight racers) and include players of all skill levels to race against.

Closing Comments:

Anyone who enjoys racing games and owns a Switch does not have many options for games right now beyond FAST RMX. Fortunately, it should provide players with at least a dozen hours of gameplay as they work their way from the novice cups to more advanced races. Online and local multiplayer also adds some additional fun into the mix. There’s not much else to the experience, however, and some may wish that the game were a more “pure” arcade racer rather than one with additional gameplay aspects layered on top of simply racing super fast.

Version Reviewed: Switch