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One Way Heroics Seeds

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One Way Heroics Seeds 3,8/5 4706 reviews

Class Description: You are a loyal Dark Knight. You have a knights high defense, and although you may face large Recoil, you can gain powerful skills. This class has high stats, but they are not good with swords, the king's knight's weapon.

Quote: In One Way Heroics, you take on the role of an intrepid adventurer who must travel across the land and face the Demon Lord before a mysterious darkness engulfs everything.Darkness always approaches from the left, and with each movement, attack and action you take, the darkness creeps ever closer. Forced to run right, you'll encounter any number of monsters, allies, thieves and shops on your desperate journey to stop the end of everything.It's a roguelike, they're pretty popular these days, you probably understand how they work. It's turn-based, the world is randomized, equipment has to be identified, death is (mostly) permanent. There are also some extra Mystery Dungeon-inspired twists such as a UI that isn't from the 80s and that doesn't use half of the keys on your keyboard. I like Crawl and Nethack as much as everyone else but it doesn't hurt to have a more approachable roguelike now and again. Runs in this game are a fair bit shorter than those of your average RL too.The GameAt the beginning of the game you select a character class and a variety of special perks that influence your stats and abilities. Your goal is to run → away from the wall of darkness that's steadily devouring the world, battling monsters, increasing your stats, and finding useful items and equipment until you're strong enough to fight the Demon Lord and win.

All the while you have to be very careful not to become trapped and unable to continue moving right. Falling off the left-side of the screen means instant death. It's a turn-based game, the screen only scrolls when you act. Think about what you're doing and move carefully.Life is self-explanatory.

It regenerates automatically.ST (Stamina) is expended for special abilities and spells. It also regenerates automatically.Energy drains constantly, you have to keep it up by eating food.

If you run out of Energy your Stamina regen will stop and your Life regen will be halved.That thing on the right is the minimap.It's super important that you keep an eye on the minimap as you go in order to avoid being trapped by obstacles and to ensure that you don't miss out on dungeons, towns, and other points of interest. In some cases, such as after using the Area Map item, towns and dungeons will be clearly marked on the minimap by glowing blue and red squares.This clock hangs out in the top-right corner of the screen and indicates the time remaining until the Demon Lord shows up to stomp your poo poo in. When the light-blue hand strikes 12:00 he will appear and come after you at which point you either need to stand and fight him or run the hell away. After three in-game hours pass he will teleport away and the timer will reset to a random value. Any damage you deal to him is persistent so you can slowly chip away at him over the course of several fights.Party MembersYou won't always be adventuring alone. You can be accompanied by up to three party members, who automatically follow you everywhere you go and attack when you do, though not always the target that you choose. The Loyal Pet perk is an easy way to start with a party member.

You'll need Charisma Points to recruit any others that you might encounter.There are only a handful of them but they have their own stories to tell and unique items to bestow so they're definitely worth tracking down and, if possible, completing the game with. It isn't always easy to keep them alive though. Using healing items on yourself will heal them too, and here's an important tip about positioning with party members from a loading screen:Dimensions and How They WorkWhen you choose to begin a new game you see this screen.

Worlds are generated by random seeds, sequences of numbers and letters. The four Campaign Dimensions change every day, offering special opportunities and unique challenges to tackle daily. After selecting a world you get to select the difficulty you'd like to play it on. At the beginning of the game you can only play on Walk in the Park (Easy) and Afternoon Stroll (Normal) but there are tougher difficulties to unlock from there. It starts out pretty easy but can turn into a real monster if you want it to!OnlineThis game doesn't have multiplayer so you won't actually meet other players, but if you're playing the same world as them you'll see their statuses update in the top-left corner of the screen at regular intervals. You can set the messages that appear under your entry through the Online Comment menu in the in-game options, or by pressing the Q key.Occasionally you'll also meet some poor player's ghost, who will reward you with Life and EXP bonuses and an item if you speak to them. This online stuff works with ANY world and across difficulties so long as there is another player who is also playing that same world.After the GameWin or lose, at the end of your run you're presented with a results screen and graded on your performance.

Your Heroics Level is awarded to you as Hero Points which you can spend to unlock new classes and perks and increase the size of your Dimensional Vault, a way to carry items from one playthrough to another.You can access the Vault at the beginning of each run by speaking to this NPC in the starting castle.If you successfully complete a world your character will be preserved for everyone to see on what is basically a high score table. You can check the clear tables for any worlds you've completed from the main menu. Compete with your lame friends!

Or something.ControlsMove using the arrow keys or the numpad. You can move in eight directions, easiest done using the numpad. Alternately you can hold CTRL to lock your movement to diagonals.Z - Attack with your equipped weapon in the direction you're facing / Confirm / Talk to NPCX - Open your menu to use skills and access items and equipment / CancelC - Lock your position and change your facing. Vital when using ranged weapons, but don't ignore it as a melee fighter. You take 1.5x damage when hit from behind!CTRL - When pressed in the inventory or equipment menus it will auto-sort your items.Q - Shortcut to the online comment menu.W - Shortcut to the message log.F4 - Double screen size.F10 - Full screen mode.Print Screen - Puts a screenshot in the game's directory.Other StuffThere's a lot to discover in this game and I couldn't possibly explain every single feature in this post.

Look around, experiment, get creative.Here's a Wiki with some helpful stuff on it probably:see you tomorrow fucked around with this message at 00:48 on Mar 6, 2014Dec 1, 2013 09:01.AdbotADBOT LOVES YOU. Apr 24, 2020 20:16.fuepi Feb 6, 2011Game's really fun and the side scrolling helps alleviate the aspergers I usually have to deal with when I play roguelikes.

If you see Ginkgo on the side it's probably me.Dec 1, 2013 12:13.iastudent Apr 22, 2008I saw someone mention this a couple days ago and forgot all about it with the Thanksgiving holiday and all. Can't wait to try this.Dec 1, 2013 14:23.fuepi Feb 6, 2011Going full Hulkamania is crazy legit and got me my first win as an Adventurer that spent 15 turns in frozen time running wild on the Demon Lord, brother.That said, stacking agility is very broken considering all the benefits you get from going light speed, which are made incredibly obvious if you do it on the final secret class after using their legendary ability.Dec 1, 2013 19:13.FairyNuff Jan 22, 2012. Hmm had a first run but I'm not really sure how to do better, I died to some tough imp that just out damaged me so hard.Monsters can have modifiers on them that make them much tougher, if you see stuff like Ultimate Imp stay the hell away. Some universe codes are similarly rough because they might just happen to roll up a bunch of strong stuff really quickly.Once you build up your chest a bit you'll be much better placed to deal with such stuff early, it's just a matter of building some power up.Dec 1, 2013 19:47.see you tomorrow Jun 27, 2009. Hmm had a first run but I'm not really sure how to do better, I died to some tough imp that just out damaged me so hard.Make sure that you're using your special abilities.

The one that freezes time is a big obvious one but if you're playing a Swordmaster or a Knight don't ignore their other skills, they can really save your life.Spend hero points after you die on perks and to expand your dimensional vault. As you buy perks additional slots for them will unlock during character creation, up to five max. Save any useful items you might have in the vault and pull them out for future runs. Good equipment with a lot of durability left, boxed lunches, healing potions, anything that could give your future self a leg up.Oh, and keep an eye out for enemies with special icons over their heads.

A yellow triangle means that they're a few levels tougher than usual, a red star means that they're A LOT of levels tougher. Doesn't mean that you should always run from them, they're often worth a ton of EXP, but definitely think about whether or not you should be fighting them in your current state. Don't get into fights that you aren't sure you can win!e: btw the 'play with other heroes!' Event today is in a super messed up world.

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Has a ton of those purple plagueland zones and they're really scary on higher difficulties!see you tomorrow fucked around with this message at 20:00 on Dec 1, 2013Dec 1, 2013 19:52.Mazo Panku Nov 30, 2013. Going full Hulkamania is crazy legit and got me my first win as an Adventurer that spent 15 turns in frozen time running wild on the Demon Lord, brother.I want to try this but go one step higher, recruit some help, and form the Mega Powers. There's an Elbow Drop and a Big Boot skill in this game, right?Dec 1, 2013 20:07.iastudent Apr 22, 2008Just got done streaming my first go at this game. Got filled with arrows by PETA Jade Forest rangers.The dynamic music in this game is really nice, I'm gonna be at this for a while.Dec 1, 2013 20:22.Social Animal Nov 1, 2005Fun ShoeAny clues regarding the whereabouts of the secret boss?Also going pirate and stacking wrestler perk owns.Dec 1, 2013 20:23.see you tomorrow Jun 27, 2009. BTW if anyone figures out how to get a Dark Brotherhood membership card I'd love to know.

My guess is that it has to do with murdering a lot of innocent people but I haven't put it to the test yet.I found one in a hard-as-poo poo to open red chest. Not sure how common that is. If you are stacked the dark brotherhood sells a lot of great stuff. It's implied in the game that you don't need a membership card with enough infamy, but someone's gonna have to try that.Dec 1, 2013 21:13.FairyNuff Jan 22, 2012.

One Way Heroics Seeds

The most reliable way I've found to get chests open, aside from 'just use an axe', is to stack crit chance on the goddess statues. Crits seem to ignore armor completely, so they'll utterly carve through chests and walls in no time.The Bash skill on any class that has it works really well too.btw if you're looking for a holy weapon give ALTBDFJC a try.

There's a shrine right near the start. You'll have to bring your own key of course.Oh, and if you find a world with any of the recruitable characters other than the queen (she's really common) in it I'd super appreciate it if you'd copy it down and post it in this thread because I'm having a real hard time finding them. Found the Black Knight in a random one once but didn't think to make a note of it.see you tomorrow fucked around with this message at 22:08 on Dec 1, 2013Dec 1, 2013 22:04.FairyNuff Jan 22, 2012. With a class like the bard, how can you find more recruitable NPCs?Try giving yourself a charisma+ perk and chatting up that bottom-left guard in the starting castle.Otherwise you'll have to find them in the world.

The only one I've found with any regularity is the Queen. You get a notice about a 'kindred soul' or something nearby when you're near her. She's in a jail cell in a small fort with a red carpet inside, you can't miss it. You need 1 charisma point to recruit her.e: One of the daily campaigns today just puts her right near the start.Dec 1, 2013 22:14.iastudent Apr 22, 2008. Absolutely worth $2.On my 8th try as Knight finally got some lucky gear and beat the Demon Lord.The dimension vault feels like cheating though but it helps a lot.You can always go without it.

The trophies next to the classes representing wins will even acknowledge it and Maniac mode winsDec 2, 2013 00:12.iastudent Apr 22, 2008Gave the heroes campaign another go with a knight, got to the corrupted area, got over half my HP chopped away by a hitman wolf.Dec 2, 2013 00:14.see you tomorrow Jun 27, 2009. Gave the heroes campaign another go with a knight, got to the corrupted area, got over half my HP chopped away by a hitman wolf.It's real hard today! I got dead at 1000km in it last night. Dragons man.e:see you tomorrow fucked around with this message at 00:23 on Dec 2, 2013Dec 2, 2013 00:20.iastudent Apr 22, 2008Something that isn't too clear to me is whether or not there's any drawbacks to trading in levels at the goddess statues for stat increases, given that your other stats remain the same.Dec 2, 2013 00:27.The Ol Spicy Keychain Jan 16, 2013. Something that isn't too clear to me is whether or not there's any drawbacks to trading in levels at the goddess statues for stat increases, given that your other stats remain the same.It isn't super clear but I think the Japanese (spoilers) is saying that the higher your stats are the less experience you get from enemies, though it's also saying that that shouldn't dissuade you from making use of the statues every chance you get. The mage class has to spend levels to learn spells so it's different for them.see you tomorrow fucked around with this message at 00:55 on Dec 2, 2013Dec 2, 2013 00:52.iastudent Apr 22, 2008First clear!Got it on the 1.3x XP special campaign on Walk in the Park with a ranger.

Had a flame bow and plenty of flame/acid vials to whittle him down with. I kinda derped at one point and tried escaping across water after I got my teammates, who spent their time taking tons of hits while I desperately tried to swim to shore. Might try again on Afternoon Stroll later.Dec 2, 2013 01:42.The Mimic Apr 27, 2009. What do you mean,'it's only a game'?!One pretty simple/powerful no-vault build for a quick easy-mode win is basically what Social Animal said; 5x Pro-Wrestler but Swordsman instead, unequip your weapon ASAP and just punch everything, put all your levels in strength/agility - you'll hit like a truck and have huge combo hit rates. If you can, try to get a Bracelet of Resolve or similar to buff your crit chance. When you run into the Demon Lord, (edit:) spam your Awakenings then once they're gone, hit Berserk and take him apart with multiple 300+ damage punches per turn.If you find one, PC Ghosts can tank the Demon Lord while chipping away at his barriers, you can also kite him into towns and have the NPCs do the same.

A shame there's no special achievement for having an NPC deal the finishing blow to himmaketakunai fucked around with this message at 03:47 on Dec 2, 2013Dec 2, 2013 02:34.see you tomorrow Jun 27, 2009Stacking crit perks and only using goddess statues to increase crit further gets pretty ridiculous. At 96% crit chance everything just dies. (except the secret boss)e: also didn't realize until now that you can just line up trophies for each difficulty on the class selection screen. Which is now my mission in life.Dec 2, 2013 02:37.Gyoru Jul 13, 2004. Something that isn't too clear to me is whether or not there's any drawbacks to trading in levels at the goddess statues for stat increases, given that your other stats remain the same.There's a title at the end of the game for not doing it. That's about it.

You also can't do it at all if you turn Maniac Mode on.e: Finding Queen Freida and completing her plotline gives a crazy reward - her letter is a +50% XP accessory. I'm 171km and level 32 on this hero.Stelas fucked around with this message at 03:05 on Dec 2, 2013Dec 2, 2013 03:02.see you tomorrow Jun 27, 2009Found Dosey, one of the recruitable companions, in a random world. I've tested and she always appears in a town at 338km in ADGROTEO.

Those are capital letter O's, not zeroes. You'll need one Nayuta Fruit and one Charisma Point to ask her to join.

If you keep her alive she'll eventually give you two Buddy Tablets, which are very rare and useful items.Dec 2, 2013 03:02.Mustach Mar 2, 2003In this long line, there's been some real strange genes. You've got 'em all, with some extras thrown in.The OP makes this sound really fun, except for mention of one thing that I loathe in every RL. One pretty simple/powerful no-vault build for a quick easy-mode win is basically what Social Animal said; 5x Pro-Wrestler but Swordsman instead, unequip your weapon ASAP and just punch everything, put all your levels in strength/agility - you'll hit like a truck and have huge combo hit rates. If you can, try to get a Bracelet of Resolve or similar to buff your crit chance.

When you run into the Demon Lord, hit Berserk, spam Awakening, and take him apart with multiple 300+ damage hits per turn.If you find one, PC Ghosts can tank the Demon Lord while chipping away at his barriers, you can also kite him into towns and have the NPCs do the same. A shame there's no special achievement for having an NPC deal the finishing blow to himTried and verified, on Normal difficulty. I managed to do it at level 6, having used 4 levels at the Goddess Statue, by fighting the Demon Lord once with Berserk alone and running with a pill when I came close to death. Then the second time he appeared I used 4x Awakening and Berserk and slew him. Thing to keep in mind that may have been obvious: Berserk still runs out at the usual speed when Awakening is activated, so don't berserk until after you're out of them.Dec 2, 2013 03:21.AdbotADBOT LOVES YOU.