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Winétt de Rokha (b. 7 July 1894; d. 7 August 1951), Chilean poet. Born Luisa Anabalón Sanderson, de Rokha published her first poetic works under the pseudonym Juana Inés de la Cruz, a seventeenth-century Mexican poet. After her marriage to the poet Pablo de Rokha, she adopted the literary name Winétt de Rokha. Her poetic works include, in a romantic first stage, Lo que me dijo el silencio (1915) and Horas de sol (1915). In a second stage, she appropriated the Spanish-American avant garde's poetic diction, as shown in Formas del sueño (1927). A new stage began with Cantoral (1936), followed by Oniromancia (1945), El valle pierde su atmósfera (1949), which was included in Pablo de Rokha's Arenga sobre el arte, and Suma y destino (1951). Antología (1953) is a selection of her poetry published posthumously. The main characteristic of de Rokha's poetry in its final form is the adoption of a social and revolutionary hyperbolic tone, in permanent dialogue with Pablo de Rokha.

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See alsoLiterature: Spanish America.


Oreste Plath, Poetas y poesía de Chile (1941), pp. 51-62.


Antonio De Undurraga, Atlas de la poesía de Chile, 1900–1957 (1958), pp. 253-256.

Additional Bibliography

Villegas Morales, Juan. 'El discurso lírico de Winett de Rokha: la otra cara de la mujer poeta.' Hispamérica 18:53-54 (Aug.-Dec. 1989): 75-87.

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