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The Surgeon Of Birkenau

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Today at the movies, I saw the trailer for a new movie The Debt which will open on December 29, 2010. This movie should win an Academy Award next year; any movie about the Holocaust is sure to be a winner. Helen Mirren and Sam Worthington star in the movie.I usually close my eyes when the trailers for upcoming movies are shown because I don’t want to spoil the movie by seeing parts of it beforehand. But I opened my eyes when I heard the words “the surgeon of Birkenau.” I immediately assumed that they were talking about the infamous Dr.

Josef Mengele, the notorious doctor who selected Jews for the gas chamber at the Birkenau death camp, is shown in the center of the photo above. On his left is Richard Baer, the last commandant of the Auschwitz main camp and on his right is Rudolf Hoess.

Josef Mengele, but the photo of the surgeon that was shown didn’t look anything like him. The movie is apparently fictional, loosely based on Dr.

Mengele, because the work of “the surgeon” was described in the trailer as “unimaginable evil.”I found this synopsis on the Internet:In 1965, three young Israeli Mossad agents on a secret mission capture and kill a notorious Nazi war criminal. Now, thirty years later, a man claiming to be the Nazi has surfaced in Ukraine and one of the former agents must go back undercover to seek out the truth.O.K. So the movie is not going to be about Dr. Mengele, but some other doctor who performed operations at Birkenau and was allegedly killed by the Mossad, but showed up later in Ukraine.Dr. Mengele escaped from Auschwitz before the camp was liberated by the army of the Soviet Union on January 27, 1945.

He took all of his research papers with him. These papers later fell into the hands of the Allies, but they have never been published. The results of Dr. Mengele’s experiments are currently being held in a vault in Israel. The testimony of some of the Jews, who were the subjects of his experiments or research, has been published, but not the results of Dr. Mengele’s experiments, nor his research papers on Jewish genetic conditions and diseases.Dr. Mengele escaped to South America and lived in peace for many years, until he drowned after having a stroke while swimming.

The Mossad didn’t bother to hunt for Dr. Mengele until after he was dead.

Mengele even went back to Germany to visit his family and was not arrested.There really should be a movie about Dr. Mengele because he is mentioned by almost every survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

There were over 30 doctors who participated in making the selections at Birkenau, but every survivor claims to have gone through the selection process while Dr. Mengele was on the ramp. There are many fascinating stories about him.According to the book entitled Mengele, the Complete Story, by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware, Dr. Josef Mengele spent 21 months at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, and during that time, he sent 400,000 prisoners to their deaths in the gas chambers at Birkenau.

Allowing for the time that Dr. Mengele could not work when he was sick with malaria and typhus, he selected 20,000 Jews and Gypsies per month to be killed, according to Posner and Ware.The following quote is from Mengele, the Complete Story:The memory of this slightly built man, scarcely a hair out of place, his dark green tunic neatly pressed, his face well scrubbed, his Death’s Head SS cap tilted rakishly to one side, remains vivid for those who survived his scrutiny when they arrived at the Auschwitz railhead. Polished boots slightly apart, his thumb resting on his pistol belt, he surveyed his prey with those dead gimlet eyes, Death to the left, life to the right. Four hundred thousands souls — babies, small children, young girls, mothers, fathers, and grandparents — are said to have been casually waved to the lefthand side with a flick of the cane clasped in a gloved hand.

Mengele was the chief provider for the gas chambers and their crematoria. He had a look that said “I am the power,” said one survivor. At the time, Mengele was only 32 years old.The photo below, taken at Birkenau in May 1944, shows how the Jews from a transport were first ordered to line up in two columns, with the men in one line and the women and children in another line. Each column had to march past the SS officers during the selection process. Those who were unfit for work were sent immediately to the gas chambers.In the photo below, Krema II and Krema III are behind the camera and only a short distance from the head of the two columns. In the background is the tower of the gate house at Birkenau. Notice that there are no guard towers along the main camp road, which is on the right side of the photo.

The Surgeon Of Birkenau

On the left is the train that was used to transport these 3,500 Jews to Birkenau. Across from the train, on the right side of the photo, is the women’s camp and at the end of the main camp road is the location of Krema II and Krema III.

Mengele is one of the two SS officers standing in front of the line of men; he is the one on the right, holding a cigarette at chest height. Two women are sent to the officer’s left, to the gas chamberThere are two famous stories about Dr. Josef Mengele: one about his attempt to change brown eyes to blue and one about sewing two children together, back to back, to create Siamese twins.Vera Alexander, a survivor of Birkenau, was a witness to the Siamese twins experiment. Mengele had died in 1979 but his death had been kept a secret by his friends and family. In October 1985, while an intensive manhunt for Mengele was underway, Vera Alexander said the following in an interview for the TV production The Search for Mengele, as quoted in the book Mengele, the Complete Story:One day Mengele brought chocolate and special clothes. The next day, SS men came and took two children away.

They were two of my pets, Tito and Nino. One of them was a hunchback.

Two or three days later, an SS man brought them back in a terrible state. They had been cut. The hunchback was sewn to the other child, back to back, their wrists back to back too. There was the terrible smell of gangrene. The cuts were dirty and the children cried every night.Dr. Mengele had a particular interest in studying people who had eyes of two different colors. He found many subjects among the people in the Gypsy camp, where he worked as a doctor.The story of the eye color experiment on 36 children in Birkenau was told by Dr.

Vexler Jancu, a Jewish prisoner at Birkenau.As quoted in Mengele, the Complete Story, Dr. Jancu said the following:In June 1943 I went to the Gypsy camp in Birkenau. I saw a wooden table.

On it were samples of eyes. They each had a number and a letter. The eyes were very pale yellow to bright blue, green and violet.By May 1944, a railroad spur line, which split off from the main railroad tracks, had been extended all the way inside the Birkenau camp so that the Hungarian Jews could be brought right up to the gas chambers in Krema II and Krema III, which were located on either side of the tracks.The photo below, taken in May 1944, shows a transport of 3,500 Hungarian Jews who have just disembarked from a train. In the background, the tall chimneys of Krema II on the left and Krema III on the right can be seen. The Krema III building is about one inch from the edge of the photo on the right-hand side. The gas chambers and ovens in Krema II and III had the capacity to gas and burn more than 2,000 Jews from a transport. Trains were brought inside the Birkenau camp, starting in May 1944One of the Hungarian Jews who arrived in Birkenau in May 1944 was Irene Zisblatt; she survived and wrote a book entitled The Fifth Diamond.The following quote is from a newspaper article written by Nate Hubbard after Irene Zisblatt gave a talk to students in Bland County, Virginia on March 9, 2009:But the most gripping part of Zisblatt’s account came when she told of narrowly escaping the gas chamber.

She said she was selected along with approximately 1,500 other women to be killed. When the prisoners were herded into the gas chamber, though, there wasn’t room for them all. Zisblatt said she wound up right in the doorway, clinging to a piece of wood as her fingernails were ripped off causing blood to gush from the tips of her fingers. When the door couldn’t be closed with Zisblatt blocking the way, she was flung out of the chamber.With the help of another prisoner, she said she was able to escape Auschwitz by getting on a train traveling across tracks running near the No.

3 gas chamber. The train took her to the Neuengamme labor camp in Germany where shortly after she was forced to go on a “death march” as the war wound down.Irene Zisblatt had been saved by a young Sonderkommando (Jewish crematorium worker) who rescued her after she was thrown out of the Krema III gas chamber because the room was too full.

He wrapped her up in a blanket and tossed her over the 10-foot-high barbed wire fence around Krema III; she landed in an open railroad car of a train that was bound for the Neuengamme concentration camp in Germany.Dr. Mengele was nicknamed the “Angel of Death” by the prisoners because he had the face of an angel, yet he callously made selections for the gas chambers at Birkenau. He was nice to the children in the camp, yet he experimented on them as though they were laboratory rats. He volunteered to do the selections at Birkenau, even when it wasn’t his turn, because he wanted to find subjects for his medical research on genetic conditions and hereditary diseases, which he had already begun before the war. He particularly wanted to find twins for the research that he had started before he was posted to Birkenau. I’m not sure that Tay-Sachs was well known in the 1940s. Here is what MedTV says about Tay-Sachs:“Tay-Sachs disease is rare in the general population.

The genetic mutations that cause the disease are more common in people of Ashkenazi (eastern and central European) Jewish heritage than in those of other backgrounds. Approximately 1 in every 27 Jews in the United States is a carrier of gene.”I have added an update to my post and included a photo of one of his subjects. The most common genetic condition of Jews at that time was hunchback or dwarf. I’m not sure, but I think that people with Tay-Sachs die very young, so there would not have been many of them on the trains sent to Auschwitz.Comment by — August 21, 2010 @. I’m not sure whether the authors above are implying that his research has remained secret because he discovered some sinister truth about jewish diseases Aside from being laughable on the same scale as the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, here’s why thats untrue:Its not physically possible.

Just so we’re clear, Tay Sach’s is a disease that involves a defect in the proteins that clear fat from the brain. Children die by the age of four, five tops because the neurons in their brain are immobilized by fat, and cannot send chemical messages through the brain (you know, those messages that allow you to think, feel, breathe, and move? Yeah, those).So no, he wasn’t.

His primary concern was the altering of phenotypes, however. He wanted to experiment with changing eye colors – so that everyone could have nice blue Aryan eyes.

He also wanted to understand the connection between twins – he would give one cholera or some other disease, watch them die, and then kill the other twin, in order to cut them open and examine the results.Um Hitler also didn’t make any groundbreaking discoveries in terms of genetic diseases in the Jewish populace. Tay Sachs was not even known at the same. So swing and a miss, sorry. The scientific community knew next to nothing about genetics at that point in history (isn’t it shocking how much progress can be made in little over half a century?

Science is amazing). So also swing and a miss.Comment by Shulamit Newman — October 27, 2010 @. Mengele was the doctor for the Auschwitz Gypsy camp for awhile.

His field of expertise was genetics and he noticed that many of the Gypsies had eyes of two different colors, so he began to study why this came about. That’s how the story of his attempt to change brown eyes to blue got started. Even if he had managed to change eye color, this color would not have been inherited.Dr. Mengele did study twins at Auschwitz; this was part of his research that he had started in Germany long before he went to Auschwitz. He didn’t kill one twin in his research in Germany and I doubt that he did this at Auschwitz.Comment by — October 27, 2010 @. I’m not sure why you think 9-11 is “laughable” maybe because you’re a Zionist Jew but the real conspiracy is an open one. The Jewish-Israeli Mossad participated with the CIA who orchestrated and carried out 9-11.

It is also a well known fact that the Nazi party was a Zionist front and the Holocaust hoax was a necessary evil in order to create a Jewish homeland, larger than the small settlement the Brits created for the Jews after World War one. You need to learn more about the Rothschilds – Jewish bankers who dominated European history for a hundred years prior to these hoax -wars for oil, profit, etc they bankrolled Napoleon and the American and French revolution, and ran the Bolshevik revolution toppling monarchies everywhere, throwing out the Catholic Church, etc. The Zionists are evil Jewish financiers not above selling out lesser Jews for their own cause, and that is what the Holocaust is/was a Jewish conspiracy against other Jews, that conscripted puppets like Hitler. You’re awfully dim witted sir, you get your ‘theory’ as ‘facts’ from publishers who are Jewish and rewrite false memoirs of history for morons like you to regurgitate.You saw scratches on the walls in the ovens were you there when they were made? Point observed hopefullyEven at Nuremburg a lot of testimony was given to the real numbers of dead imprisoned, and it was not 6 million and they were not all Jewish.

The Jews are an abomination in the sight of God to this day, they denied their Savior and Messiah and crucified Him, and still they will not repent.they run HOllywood and the Porn industry, and Hollywood is pretty much sinful porn now already.These are you Jewish relatives. Ashkenazi Jews who are an abomination in the sight of God with spreading their filth around the world and polluting and undermining Christians, Muslims and all other cultures.As if people don’t know why the Germans ran the Jews out. You say it is because they are “insular” that is freakin hilarious. What do you work for CNN as a spin master? They are god damn greedy crooks that is why they are run out of every nation they infect for thousands of years Jewish Gypsies have gone in and attempted to destroy every culture they insert themselves into. They are a narcissistic and racist group of religious zealots who got their own history wrong, and crucified their own Savior and Redeemer a perfected Jew is a Christian, and Jesus was a Jew, and will return again to stop the Jews from annhilating the human population againand this time they will listen.God forgive the Jews who murdered their Redeemer and Savior. That sin has marred their culture for thousands of years.

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It is soon near the time where they must bow down and accept Christ at their savior and redeemer, for it is Christians who have freed mankind from sin, and meanwhile the Jewish Zionists have pushed wickedness and all sorts of filth thru their media onto humanityThe Jews who died in the World War 2 camps were put there by Zionist New World Order psychopaths and they are going to do it again with FEMA concentration camps.Arm yourselves and prepare your minds for what is coming. Never surrendur your weapons. This government will need to be overthrown by force, because the Jews have taken control of it and they did this before.

The Jews are in too many positions of power in lawmaking and they are destroying the country thru finance/banking/Wall Street, offshoring commerce, the Supreme Court (Bader Ginsberg – jew nutjob, and 2 others), Congress, and mediathis is NOT ISRAEL you motherfuckers. Go back to Israel. The Jews migrated here in the late 1800’s en masse and never left, and have taken over the country in less than a century. They were behind every Central Bank and they run the Federal Reserve this isn’t ‘conspiracy’, this is fact. Read the names of everyone in Hollywood since Warner theives stole Edison’s Motion Picture invention and fled to California to avoid prosecution in New JerseyThe Jews are a hated culture because they are a destructive, immmoral one, greedy and racist against all others, and denied their own redeemer for their sins.When Christ returns, Zion will be no more. Armegeddon approches and Israel will be reduced to rubble by the Soviet and Chinese military alongside the Arabs who hate the Israeli State’s illegitmacy on stole Palestinian landAnd before some stupid Jew starts ranting about “anti semetism”they need to consider the filth and porn and constant “anti Christian” rhetoric of the Jews who push their filth.You are NOT allowed to question the Divinity of Christ while claiming nobody can question the Holocaust.Comment by Adolf — March 29, 2011 @.

You are a total lunatic.1. Jews were demonized in Germany because many Germans felt betrayed when they lost the first world war. This was because the 14 point plan that Wilson proposed, that was airlifted into Germany and widely distributed among the populace, was entirely ignored by the rest of the allies when they met in Versailles.

Wilson gave up all his convictions (such as not forcing Germany to pay heavy reparations, etc) in order to sell Britain and France on the League of Nations.Germany, forced to pay several large fortunes to France, and Britain, and largely decimated itself, was sent into a depression that gripped the rest of the world, but truly destroyed Germany. Inflation was rampant, to the point where burning marks for fuel was more economic than using them to buy anything.Jews, who are by nature insular because our culture is unique and very separate from that of the general populace (most due to the fact that it relies heavily on tradition and ritual, like the conservation of the shabbat, as well as prayer several times a day. Only Muslim culture demands more time devoted to religious ritual, as far as I am aware), weren’t hit as strong by this inflation. You wrote: “Jews, who are by nature insular because our culture is unique and very separate from that of the general populace”This is the main reason that Hitler didn’t want Jews in Germany. He wanted a nation of Germans, not a multi-cultural region of Europe.

Other people in Germany wanted the Jews to assimilate, rather than having a separate culture, but Hitler wanted the Jews to get out of Germany.You wrote: “Thats because Jewish communities tend to rely on each member in order to insure that everyone can get by,”Hitler wanted the German people to help each other to insure that everyone could get. One of the 25 points of the Nazi party was that everything in Germany should be done for the good of everyone, not for the good of the individual. That meant that everyone, including Jews, should work for the good of their country, not for the good of their “community” or ethnic group or religion. Hitler did not like the fact that the Jews worked to help their own people and not the whole country.You wrote: “Hitler was a German nationalist, for all that he was Austrian).THAT is why Germany disliked the Jews.”Hitler’s father was a German nationalist who wanted the German people to unite. He belonged to a nationalist group that started in the same year that Theodor Hertzl got the idea of a Jewish homeland. Hitler was a German nationalist from the age of six.

It wasn’t so much that Germany “disliked” the Jews, but rather that the Germans wanted the Jews to have their own country, not a separate state within Germany’s borders.You wrote: “When Hitler came to power, he appointed Eichman, who engineered the final solution.”Eichmann was appointed to the Jewish Department of RSHA. His first job was to help Germany sneak Jews into Palestine because the British were limiting immigration of Jews to Palestine. The full title of the “final solution” was The Final Solution to the JEWISH QUESTION.” The Jewish question was Should the Jews have their own state within the borders of Germany, or should they have their own country, somewhere outside of Germany?

Hitler’s opinion was that the Jews should get out of Germany and have their own country somewhere else. That’s why a Jewish Department was set up under Adolf Eichmann.Comment by — October 27, 2010 @. To Shulamit:“Now its true that Stalin experimented with the idea a decade earlier”.Thank you for bringing this up!Well, and who were Stalin’s henchmen? Do you know their names?Here is the list for you: Kaganovich, Rappoport, Milstein, Yagoda, Frinovskiy, Firin, Genkin, Grekin, Mekhlis, Eidelman, Peters, Yakir, Feldman, etc.So, you are telling us that these Jews were first who created “gas wagons”?These Jews, with their “unique culture” have murdered between 20 to 30 million people of former USSR and this number does include some of the Jews and some of the people listed above. How pathetic!Well, the people who are “by nature insular” should be looking for a secluded place to relocate. With an attitude like that, the people of “unique culture” should avoid any neighborhoods with humans who are less “unique”. Nothing else is coming to mind except Antarctica.

Everything else seems to be occupied by all sorts of subhuman “goyim”. Like Germans or Turks, or Chinese, etc. There are the penguins in Antarctica and it would be easy to dupe them into the usury payments.

Give them one fish and they will owe you fifty in interest. What a deal!Comment by Gasan — October 27, 2010 @. Statistics of Dr. Mengele.His service at Auschwitz camp lasted for about 20 months, 600 days, 14,400 hours, 864,000 minutes and 51,840,000 seconds.There were at least 1,000,000 still living survivors as of few years ago (500,000). At least half of them claimed that they have met, mistreated or tortured by Dr.

Mengele.Given, that Dr. Mengele was not eating, sleeping, resting, going to the bathroom, taking this picture, killing and experimenting on “non-survivors”, we are coming to this simple equation:51,840,000 seconds, divided by 500,000 survivors, equals 103.68 seconds per survivor.That rates “hm”.Comment by Gasan — August 20, 2010 @. August 2010 SMTWTFS. Pages. Categories.

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