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Auralux 2 Cirque Walkthrough

вторник 28 апреля admin 9
Auralux 2 Cirque Walkthrough 3,5/5 1711 reviews

It’s hard not to be amazed by the sight of the clear night sky, with a seemingly endless amount of stars and planets to gaze upon. Ever wonder what secrets could be hidden in deep space? Auralux: Constellations provides an answer to that in a real-time strategy form, where the control for planets is fought with millions of colorful units. Will you manage to claim the whole galaxy as yours in 2016?Auralux: Constellations is a new real-time strategy game released both for Android and iOS systems, created by War Drum Studios for 2016. This fairly small developer studio has only published two games previously, namely Turtle Tumble and the original Auralux.

As many of these battles are incredibly trying, you'll want to master the art of dodging (with non-elemental Action Commands), and using attacks which offer brief invincibility (e.g., Thunder Surge). The key to a good time on Tide is for your opponents to not use their moving planet to attack your double planets. The strategy here minimizes the chance of that happening, but.

That’s where Two Point Hospital ’s four-stage speed options, mapped to the analog sticks, are incredibly handy. You can pause, slow, play or fast-forward the goings-on of the hospital, and you’ll. At times, Two Point Hospital feels less like a homage or remake, and more like a long-lost sequel, sticking close to the style and gameplay of the original, but with a few tweaks that make it a. Two Point Hospital is healthy revival of the business management game with surprising depth and humor. Two Point Hospital is one of the most consistently hilarious games of 2018, rich with surprises. It rewards observation—pausing your relentless building efforts to take a look at your patients. Two Point Hospital review Two Point Hospital is a wonderful place to work—just ignore all the corpses. By Fraser Brown 30 August 2018. Two point hospital review.

Regarding the average user ratings for Auralux: Constellations, it has received a quite amazing 4.7/5 stars on the, while having a perfect 5/5 stars rating on the in 2016. It’s rare for any game to be rated as highly as this one, and even though it has only received between 10,000 and 50,000 downloads so far, it seems to be getting popular among players. What addictive gameplay elements are the reason for such high ratings? Let’s find out! About Auralux: ConstellationsWhen people hear about real-time strategy games, they usually think about war games featuring either fantasy armies or battles fought between historical nations.

In the case of Auralux: Constellations this couldn’t be further from the truth. In this title you take on the role of the leader of millions of blue units, and you will have to lead them to take control of planets in the galaxy. Don’t think about overly complicated galactical battles however, as this game is more on the minimalistic side, both in visuals and gameplay.To start your journey in the game, the first part that you should explore is the Singleplayer, which includes 13 different constellations to play through. These include the Pegasus, Lupus, Hercules, Andromeda, Perceus and more.

The constellations are made up of at least 10, but usually more stars, each of which is a level. Considering this, there are overall 150 distinct Singleplayer levels to experience in the game.Upon entering one of these many levels, you will find yourself somewhere in deep space, with a planet in your control. This planet is where your units will constantly be generated from the very first moment you set foot into the level. These units appear in the form of tiny, glowing lights, and the more you wait the more will appear orbiting your planet.

You will also notice quite a few empty planets nearby, and your job obviously will be to take control of these.You can take a planet as yours in Auralux: Constellations by moving a bunch of your units over to it, doing so by swiping your finger on the screen to create a circle around said units. Once the units are selected, just tap the planet you want to take, then they will automatically fly over and capture it, while emitting musical notes. You will see a small ring around each planet as it’s being captured, and this indicates how many more units are needed for a full capture.Once a planet is captured, you can then decide to upgrade it, but only if there is still a ring around it. This ring can be filled up by sending more units into the planet. For each upgrade level a planet reaches, it will generate more and more units every second, speeding up your potential capture rate.To win a level in Auralux: Constellations, your main goal will always be to capture all the planets, but this is not as easy as moving your units from one planet to another.

The reason for this is that there are up to three other colors working against you in each level, who are the red, green and purple armies. These computer controlled armies will also attempt to capture planets as their own, battling both eachother and you when they have the chance. As there are no teams here, you can exploit these foes as they fight eachother and capture their planets, but they can also do the same to you.Then of course there are more things that make winning games difficult, such as the various special game rules on later constellations.

These rules usually entail an effect or an object on each level in said constellation, which mixes up the gameplay a bit. For example, the Lupus constellation contains orbiting planets that move around, Herculas has supernovas that explode when enough units are sent into them, while the Andromeda has minefields that destroy units passing through them. You will also get to experience Gamma Rays, Fog, Black Holes, Wormholes and even more exciting specialties!When you successfully capture all planets on a level of Auralux: Constellations, that means instant victory. You will be given a list of game stats, such as Game Time, Max Units, Peak Production and more. Upon completion of a level, you will get to move onto the next one in the same constellation.

There are some limitations though, as only the first constellation is fully free, the 12 others each allow you to play two of their levels, but the rest has to be bought with real money.The cost for these in-app purchases varies a bit, but the cheapest constellations cost $0.99 to unlock, while most will go for $1.99 each. If you instead want to unlock everything the game has to offer, you can pay $9.99 to get all 13 constellations fully unlocked and ready to play.But even if you decide against paying for the rest of the levels, there is a separate, free Versus mode available in Auralux: Constellations, in which you can play with up to three other players. You can host a game or join an already created one, then compete with friends or random players for the chance to take control of all planets in the galaxy! Cheats & Tips for Auralux: ConstellationsEven though Auralux: Constellations might seem like a simple and easy game, it can definitely prove to be challenging at times. If you have trouble winning some of its levels, then why not take a look at a few cheats? Since there is no currency of any kind in the game, most cheats are related to ways in which you can make the gameplay easier.

If you are curious to learn more about these, or if you just want some tips and tricks, then read on!One of the most useful things that you should note regarding this game is the ability to speed up the gameplay. This is more important than you would think at first, as the normal speed is very slow, and once you learn the basics it will easily get tiresome waiting for your units to slowly move from planet to planet. For this reason just open the menu at the top left corner of the screen during a level, then set the speed to fast or fastest!Another feature that could be useful to you in Auralux: Constellations is the ability to turn on stats during levels.

You can do this in the Settings menu, and once the stats are turned on you will see a small indicator at the bottom right corner during levels, showing how powerful each color is at the moment. This might seem like cheating at first, but you will soon get to appreciate how useful it is.As for a gameplay tip, if you for some reason feel bored of the classic musical notes that play whenever units collide with something, then try out different sound settings! You can actually choose from nine different sounds, including acoustic, analog, lunar and more. Just pick one and listen to it in the menu, then choose your favorite to listen to during levels of Auralux: Constellations!

Auralux: Constellations ReviewJudging by the Store page screenshots for Auralux: Constellations, it’s hard not to take note of how unique it looks. This visually minimalistic game with colorful planets and stars in focus certainly took my attention as well. But is it as addictive as the amazing ratings it has received suggest? This is what I aimed to find an answer for today.Unlike most real-time strategy games, this is one that surprised me from the first moment with its simple, yet effective design. Even just the visuals are quite charming and colorful, yet at the same time they provide a feeling of being in deep space, with the dark, starry background and the lack of a user interface. If nothing else was good in the game, the graphics would still receive some positive points from me.Thankfully the gameplay has its highlights as well, especially so as it’s relatively unique in what it does.

There might have been some similar games in the past, where taking over planets with the use of these tiny, glowing units is the main goal, but not many, that is for certain. There are multiple things that that Auralux: Constellations does well though, and similar titles might fail to do so.One of these is the ability to customize the game speed. The fact that the game allows players to play with a rather slow speed for moments when they just want to chill, or with the fastest setting when they want a serious challenge is great.

I personally found the slowest setting to be rather tedious though, but I can see some players enjoying it. I would suggest playing on fast or fastest speeds though, as these make the game more challenging and full of action.Nevertheless, no matter which speed setting I tried, the general gameplay was rather well though out. The extremely simple promise of moving units from one planet to another, watching it fill up, then change color is quite addictive. Battles between different colors are not complicated either, as units take out eachother, and so the color with the more units wins, it’s that simple. Of course, the extra rules added in each constellation makes this gameplay more complicated in the long run, which is great.Something that is definitely not smartly designed in Auralux: Constellations are the controls though, as they can be quite clunky and hard to use at times.

The fact that it’s impossible to instantly swipe around the screen to move the camera, and instead I have to hold my finger for a second or two to be able to move it around it rather frustrating. Selecting units could be a bit better as well, because drawing a circle around them each time I want to change my order and send them somewhere else makes it difficult and unneccesarily slow to order them at times. This is the part of the game that needs the most improvements right now.As for the rest, such as the Versus mode, I found this to be working relatively well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a match with other players, but when there are enough users it’s not hard to do so. Playing against real players can both be more and less challenging, as not everyone knows how to play exactly, but this is to be expected.With that being said, Auralux: Constellations is a rather well made real-time strategy title with unique visuals and interesting, minimalistic gameplay, with some nice additions later on.

It has a mostly fair business model with a bunch of free levels and a Versus mode. If you can look past the clunky controls, then it’s a great pickup for sure.Auralux: Constellations RatingsArtwork: The artwork of Auralux: Constellations gets an 8/10 from me. While the textures of the planets might not be the most high quality, the overall look of the game more than makes up for it.

The combination of the bright, glowing planets and the dark, deep space is perfect.Music & SFX: The music and SFX of the game deserve an 8/10 as well. Whether we are talking about the fast paced background music in the menus, or the various SFX and musical notes emitted by the units during gameplay, this game’s audio is rather pleasing to listen to.Story & Originality: For the originality of Auralux: Constellations, I award it a 9/10. I found this to be a rather unique game, as both the visuals and the gameplay makes it easy to remember and differentiate from the crowd of other real-time strategy games.General Gameplay: As for the general gameplay, I give this title a 7/10.

Other than the controls that are quite bad and unpleasant to use at the moment, the rest of the gameplay is very addictive and well made. The minimalistic gameplay of moving units from one planet to another, while making sure that yours are not being taken at the same time, combined with various special rules in each constellation makes this an exciting game to play.Addictiveness: The addictiveness level of the game gets an 8/10. Even though most of the levels require a purchase, you can still play the whole first for free, as well as two in each next constellation to try them out. This means that even for non-paying players the game has quite a few levels to get hooked on, not to mention the Versus mode that can last quite some time.Overall Score: 8/10.

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Auralux: Constellations (aka Auralux 2) is a new Android and iOS game by War Drum Studios, whose main selling points include a slow, graceful feel, easy to learn mechanics, and vibrant, minimalistic graphics. It does appear that War Drum focuses on the relaxing aspect of this game, albeit one that’s combined with enough challenge to pique the interest of veteran real-time strategy gamers. The game’s features include 150 unique levels, with a dozen new twists to the gameplay of the original Auralux, online multiplayer mode that allows you to take advantage of the game’s social element, new modes and maps, and a variety of graphical-oriented features, such as the ability to play on your TV screen via Android TV functionality.This is a deconstructed RTS game, and you may be wondering what you need to do to move forward in such a title. You need not wonder much longer, as we have come up with a list of Auralux: Constellations tips and tricks that can help you survive this game, and help keep you relaxed, even if the in-game situations and mechanics are anything but relaxing for you. Levels Can Be Played In Any OrderAuralux: Constellations is not like your typical RTS in many ways. One example would be the fact that you don’t have to play this game in the conventional linear manner, i.e. Level 1, then level 2, then level 3, and so on.

Simply tap on any star in a constellation that you have yet to play.There are disadvantages to playing the game this way, and that would be in terms of the greater difficulty level you’ll be experiencing when choosing some of the planets outside the usual order. Sometimes, it’s best to stick to the easy or normal-difficulty planets, and use that opportunity to test strategies you’re planning to use in the more difficult planets.

Likewise, you should also play the game the same way if you’re transitioning from an easy star system to a more difficult one. How To Deal With The Need For More ForcesOne of the basic mechanics of Auralux: Constellations is that you can only have so many forces in your planet or star. But you may need to hire more forces, and once you do, you may not be at a position to take over the neighboring planet or star. What’s to do in such a situation? Fortunately for you, there is an easy home remedy to this, and that is to remove the forces from your stars or planets, but once you do, you shouldn’t transfer them to another planet.

(This works best if you remove forces from the farthest ones out.) Send your forces to outer space instead after you’ve taken them out. Another alternative would be to place forces in the planets or stars that are in closest proximity to your opponents.Regardless of the option you choose, it is advisable to repeat this process until you’re able to stockpile a substantial number of forces. Keep on doing this until there’s no realistic way for the enemy to take your planets over. And make sure you’re dispatching forces as close as possible to your enemies, or wherever they may be needed. Ramp Up The Upgrades Ahead Of The Harder LevelsSoon enough, you will be taking on the more difficult levels in the game, where you’ll be surrounded faster by enemy stars or planets. In order to prepare for this fast ramp-up in difficulty, you’ll have to ramp it up as well when it comes to your upgrades. Make those upgrades faster by sending forces from other planets or stars to the planet that’s being upgraded can expedite the process.

And you’ll want to repeat this process on any planet that is ready for upgrade, as that’s another way to add to your forces without spending as much time. How To Take Over That Last PlanetEventually, you’ll be down to that one final planet for you to take over, and you may be wondering about the right way to do so. Here’s what we would suggest: allow a few seconds for the charge to build up, then direct all of your forces to that final planet by using three fingers (on an Android phone or an older iPhone), or the Force Touch/3D Touch feature of the iPhone 6s. That’s going to allow you to easily take over the final planet, allowing you to complete the level and move forward to the next.These would be our tips and tricks for War Drum Studios’ new mobile game, Auralux: Constellations.

If you’re a fellow player, who knows more tips for the game, feel free to let us know below in the comment section!