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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough

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Chrono Trigger Walkthrough 3,6/5 9848 reviews
This is THE Chrono Trigger walkthrough. I give the game a rating of PC-PG. This site gets the Official Pyro seal of aproval, once i finish the damn seal! That means there is some, ok ok, alot of material not suitable for those under 15, but i don't check ID at the door. Those damn 'Too-Much-Violence-In-Video-Games People'(you know who I'm talking about. they're on the News at least TWICE a week.) could really have some fun with this game and web sight. If your one of them, KISS MY ASS!!!

1. The start up
Your first choice is your Battle style. If, like me, you use one constant attack, the go with ACTIVE. It allows you to nail your target when ever you like, i have gotten 3 to 1 attack ratios in my favor against some bosses. If your slow or think alot, then choose WAIT. This means that when you are in a menu, the enemies won't attack unless they had already decided to. It's for super geniuses, who probably wouldn't play video games, and super retards, who probably shouldn't play video games. The next choice is the main charecter's name (5 letters max). I shall refer to him as Crono for the sake of ease. Your mother then wakes you. Go down the stairs(DUH!). Your mother then starts babling. Afterwards, talk to her again to collect your allowence(wish i got $200 for an allowence!!). Leave the house and go north to Leene Square. (For the stupid people, press the 'A' button to enter!)

The Factory Passwords hints and tips for Chrono Trigger. 2 Comments Bookmark. Rate this hints and tips: 1 1 The Factory Passwords. When you're in the future, and you're at the factory and you need to control the crane, here's the passwords. All our cheats and codes for Chrono Trigger on SNES. Have a question for this game. Time to take out Ozzie. Pick your characters (I'd definitely take along Ayla for her charming ability, and Magus, because this is 'his' sidequest), and fly just east of.

2.The fun begins..
There are three ways to got money quickly. A)If you have a turbo controller or ZSNES emulator, go to the soda guzzling contest, 5 points. 40 rounds fills the card, so go get cash. 200 rounds will get you all the cash you need right now. B) Gato combat trainer (see the pink thing? It's the old man's lunch, DO NOT TOUCH IT), 15 points, 1 exp, 1 tech point. 14 rounds will fill the card. C) For the gamblers out there, BET ON THE RACES, 20 points. 10 rounds will fill the card. After collecting 5000 GP, go to Melchior(near the top of the lower half of the Spuare, funny clothes)and get the 4000 dollar sword. It's the most powerful one for a while. Go to the top booth to your left, get two of each armor piece. Equipe yourself and go to the top half of the sqaure and run into the girl(Marle) right there. TALK TO HER FIRST, then pick up her pendent. go to the left. see the pink thing? It's the old man's lunch, DO NOT TOUCH IT. See the cat? Stand to the left of it and press 'A'. Walk over to the soda contest, talk to the little girl. Yes, this will all be very useful later on. Also, go to the hut on the right side of the lower half of the Fair Grounds and BEAT all three games, much use later on. If you talk to Melchior, DON'T try to sell Marle's pendent, as it will hurt you in the end. Walk around the bottom of the Square for a while, after a while Taban will anounce the unvailing of Lucca's machine. So go to the top. Marle will want some candy, so WAIT for her, very important. Talk to the girl with glasses(Lucca) and step on to the left pod. You will appear on the right one. Talk to Marle. OhMyGod! She disappeared!

3.The Past
WELL? FOLLOW HER YOU NIMROD! GO ON! Ok, Imps are now attacking you!! Don't worry these guys are wimps, much like the bullies at school. Yes they are weak . Lessons later. Just keep pounding on them and they die quickly. Like 25 HP each. follow the path and.. WHAT HAPPENED TO TOWN?? Actually your about 400 years in the past, and if you want to get the '????' off the year indicator, talk to a few people. Go to Gardia Forest and explore. you see the twinkeling blue thing? Pick it up. It's a TAB. It increases a single stat by one point. The max for SPEED(unaided by magic items) is 16, wich would be one byte of info. Use it if you like *NOTE: power affects the attack rating of MOST charecters, but not Marle or Lucca. They use ranged attacks, and thier attack rating is solely dependent on thier weapons.* Lots o' wimps here. Gain a few levels(*Whenever I say 'level up', I mean 3-7 levels. this will come in handy at the end of the game.), You'll need them later on. Afterwards, go north to the castle. An exchange between the 'Queen' and the gaurds. Go right and up. IGNORE ALL CHESTS, get them in the future first, then get them in the past. Talk to the gaurd, go around, talk to the queen. It's really Marle!! You could have guessed that your self though(I hope). What the HELL?!?!?!?! She vanished! *POOF*! Head back out. Lucca? Marle is really Princess Nadia??!! Well, now you're in deep shit!! You LOST the King's DUAGHTER on your FIRST DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head to

4. The Cathedral
Talk to the organ player. See the sparkling thingy(good discrption, huh?) Pick it up. OhMyGod! THE NUNS ARE EVIL! They're actually quite pathetic if you leveled up like i told you to. See, it wasn't useless advice from a moron!!! Crap, another one? Saved by..? A GIANT FROG(Glenn)??!! Now for some organ practice. Go on! Not bad, you opened a secret panel! Explore the room on the bottem left, See the vanity? Check it out, you get a Naga-Ette Bromide that you can later trade. Woopy! Unfortunately, three guards try to stop you, but they're pretty PATHETIC. Now go go up along the wall to the top of the large room. See the skull? The one with the glowing eyes? Check it out you twip! The spikes lower, you can talk to the prisoners, and check the bucket. The lower right room, nothing much, but talk to them all anyway. Go to the top right room. The Queen is there! OK, she doesn't want to leave? Go to the right then. Two chests at the top, go down the middle the fight every one. Go back left. The Queen STILL deosn't want to leave?! Her loss! Leave with out her then! OH, this is just great! An impostor! At least you know the real Queen PROBABLY DOES want to leave. After you win(you'd better), go up the middle of the large room and up the hall. 4 Naga-Ette, 4 of the fat guys, 2 of each at a time. A save spot! WOOHOO! It doesn't matter which side you go down. The first side turns in to a ramp. If you chose the left side, ignore the first skull switch you see, and go to the right, pressing the SECOND one. If you chose the right side, PRESS the first skull switch you see, and go to the left, ignoring the second one. In the middle is a.. 'No Admitance' sign? What the.? Go up in to the room at the top of the stairs another fight. don't these dicks ever TALK? Hey, more organ practice! Remeber your first lesson? Maybe more luck! Remember the sign. AH! An explination! A door. Go on. Another hallway? Oh well, at least there's another save point. Go thru the door. The Queen! Yippy Skippy! (No, I'm not on drugseses.) Hey! The Chancellor! Cool! Wait! What is he doing in Yakra's chamber? He IS Yakra! Cool! ANOTHER fight. A little harder, but if you TOOK my advice, not TOO hard. Now go to the right chest first. OK, OK. Now the left one. The REAL Chancellor! YEAH!! Go back to the Guardia Castle. Go back to the Queen's chambers to collect Princess Nadia. Whoops! Sorry! Get MARLE. Now the King Won't want your head. Such a shame the chancellor does, though. now it's time for..

5.The Execution.
OK, now go home, rest at your house,and go thru Guardia forest agian. Same lay out, different enemies. Take some time to level up for the hell of it. OK, BEFORE you enter the castle, save and turn the volume up to MAX! The Chancellor is a bastard in this time, he has Crono 'detained'. Court is now is in session. Say that you started it. No, the Princess's fortune DIDN'T tempt you. No, Not even a little! If you give those answers, and did what i told you at the begining, you get a unananimous 'Not Guilty' verdict. DAMN the Chancellor! You're still going to be exicuted! Drink from the cup, save, if you were found inocent, you have a package on the bed. Walk in to the bars several times, talk to the guard before he leaves, get the other guard. Now, explore EVERY room in the prison. Make sure you let Fritz out of the Gillotine. leave the prison. Save. Read the paper if you WANT to. Go outside with Lucca. The Dragon Tank Attacks!! Take out the head REALLY quickly. Next, the Grinder, finally the body. The Chancellor is ALSO a fucking MORON! As you leave, the guards try to stop you. Thank GOD for the Prin.err Marle. Wow, talk about blunt! I'm not even that damned blunt. Go to the right when you enter the forest. (Only way to go.) What! Another time warp? USE IT ALREADY!!!! If you try to go back through here, you'll find it baracaded

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6.The Future
Please note the door at the top. You will want to use it later! For now, exit the building and go South. Freaky, isn't it? YES! THIS YOUR FUTURE!! MWA HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Kind of desolate, though. Go in the dome. Man, these people are PATHETIC! But, still, there is a sales man with some OK armor. You should probably use the Enetron. If you talked to these people, then yalready know to go north to the lab. Watch out for those stupid RATS! They're little pickpockets, and you can't fight to get you're junk back. At the end of the Lab there is a GREAT place to level up. Do it. Another good spot is the lab at the North-East BEFORE you find out what happened to the world. HEEEEEY! Another dome! Go on in! Another Enotron, a little girl selling the EXACT same merchandise as the guy in the first dome you were in. Talk to the old man. Well, that is interesting. Go down the stairs and up to the top. The rat 'statue' has a note saying any one near the food depo will be attacked. Go on up! Focus on the left BIT first, then the right. After a while, you will need to start using Marle as a healer. After both BITS are gone, go for the GUARDIAN(Who has started a count down. Hope your fast!). After the count down reaches zero(0), both bits come back. Follow the above orders, and this should be as easy as counting to three. If you can't count to three, DON'T PLAY THIS GAME. Damn!!! No food!! That seed will have to do. Check the corpse agian. To catch the rat, you need to run. To run, press 'B'. If you don't get it on the first try, don't worry. It took me 5 minutes the first time I played the game through. OK, leave the room and do what the rat told you to. Walk up to the right panel, hold the 'L' and 'R' buttons, press 'A', and go in the door. You CAN get through here without having ANY fights at all, but it can be difficult. Check the computer. I'm sorry, but those with weak or bleeding hearts shouldn't see the 'Day Of Lavos'. Man, talk about your raw POWER! Ok, the fun is over, and it is time to leave the InfoCenter. YO! We're back! What?! You want food. TOO BAD, SO SAD! All ya get is a FUCKIN' SEED!! Hey, cool. A jet bike key! To the OTHER lab! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! They're ATTACKING! Hey, now that is one cool looking robot! Well, ya gotta race now! save at least one boost until about 25 yards to go and GO BABY, GO!!! If you won, your at the end. If not, then your at the begining, you FUCKING LOSER!!!!! Go to the dome at the bottem of the continent and KILL EVERYONE! Actually, there are only robots here, most deadly, one to repair however. You got a new friend(Robo). OK, when the intros are over, take Lucca, because Robo can heal, and you WILL need some attack power in

7.The Power Plant
This place is a royal PAIN in the ass. You'll see alot of 'Buggers', which is a British slang for'an old man that has anal sex with little boys'!! Talk to the computer to deactivate the security systems. Go up and to the right, down the elevator. If you go down from here, you'll see a set of stairs that lead down, a path going down and to the left then a little 'box' like THING that those robots on the convayor belt go through. Go IN the box and try to go left you'll touch a robot, a crane will pick you up, and set you down on another belt. You'll go in to three rooms, with an increasingly large number of robots(1, 3, then 5). You'll go around the belt and go down a flight of stairs. Keep going down and you'll go into another room, go up the stairs and along the gang-plank through the door on you're left. Go around, get the chests, and go down. The passcodes for the crane are: XA, and BB. After that, you CAN go to left and get another damn password, but I'm here, so it's totally FUCKING useless. Go back to the top floor, and down the othe elevator. One floor please. Go to the left and up, open the hatch, fight the enemies, and go down the ladder. Go right and up, to the console. The name of the security is Zabie, but the SNES controller has NO 'Z' button, so substitue 'X' for 'Z'. Also no 'I' or 'E' buttons, so substitue 'Y'. The password fir the Zabie system IS 'XABY'! If you can't guess the next sentence, get off this walkthrough. IF YOU DIDN'T FIGURE OUT THE PASSWORD, GET THE FUCK OFF MY SITE YOU FUCKING RETARD! Activate the generator, and RUN LIKE HELL!! Talk about a close call. All power is off, so go down, left, up, and right. GODAMN, I'd hate to see what they do to thier enemies if that is what they do to thier friends! Well, after you win, you drag Robo back to the dome, go through the portal with MORE than tree people, and wind up at

8. The End Of Time
Not much here, eh mi amigos? A port, and old man, some pillars of light, and a LOCKED door. What the fuck do you keep locked up at the END OF TIME? The john? Well, talk to the old cooter, and leave. OK, don't leave, go into the now UNlocked room and talk to the guy in there. If you DIDN'T take my advice for the level ups, he looks like a FUCKING Poyozo doll. That means your PATHETIC! Well, he probably looks pretty weak right now unless you took my advice to the most extreme possible. GET THE MAGIC YOU FUCKING RETARDS! It's an absolute necessity to get home anytime soon. You can practice if you want. No exp. or money, anything you use IS gone; however, you get 10 elixers, a speed tab, a magic tab, and a power tab. If you practice, the bucket near the save point is a FREE heal. OK, go through the top pillar, you can eat the cake, but only once. Go to the 'wierd human's' house. It's Malchior! OK, go to

9. Hekran Cave
Each enemy only appears once, so no level ups. DAMN. But, you should kill EVERY living thing in there anyway! They are weak agianst MAGIC, and almost imune to physical attacks, so don't FUCKING bother. If you run low on HP, go to the end of Time, heal and return to the cave. To beat Hekran, use Crono and Lucca to do Lightning on him, and Marle to heal. WooHoo! Go up and through the WhirlPool. Go to the portal in Leene Square. Go

10.Back to the Past
Go to the south near that shity-ass bridge. They rebuilt it? Damn they're good! Fuck! The soldiers are blocking the bridge! go back to the castle abd talk to everyone in the kitchen a half-dozen times. Leave. Beef JERKY!!What?? It's not for me? Kill! KILL! KILL!!!!!!!!!! Oops, got carried away agian. You can't kill that retard. Take the Jerky too the Knight Captian and get a magic tab. Now you can kill off Ozzie's Undead troops! Did I say kill? well there are only two problems with that statement: 1. They're already DEAD! 2. The God DAMN BASTARDS come back as one super power! hit the top half of Zombor with Lightning, the bottom with Fyre, and heal yourself. Ozzie is a mega PUSSY!! After having Thrashed, Thwomped, and Bloodied Ozz, go to

11.The South Continent
The first town you see is shit. Nothing good in the store, expensive Inn, but go to the Mayor's house just for 'Shits and Giggles'. The mayor has company! Who is this 'Toma' fellow, you ask me? He's a shity ass explorer on his last mission. Have pity on him and buy him a drink in the bar. Go south agian buy the shmuck another drink at the bar, and while your at it talk to that old jackass next to him. Hmmmm.. an ugly frog in the woods? WELL?Go check it out you fucking morons!!! Annoying frogs, nice snakes (you still need to kill them if they stop you though) What,no frog legs for dinner? Hey, a bush! Enter the top of it. Oh, it's just Glenn. He seems mighty sad. Oh well. Leave him for next up is

10. The Denadoro Mountians
It is very straight forward most of the way, but a few points of interest. 1) A kid being chased by a goblin. 2) The river has two areas to be swept away at, take them both. 3) A Poyozo Doll that TALKS! Disturb him for a while, and he gives you another tab. 4) Four fights with out a break inbetwean. 5) That Freelancer that throws rocks at you. 6) A Save Point. 7) The fact that you can LEVEL UP HERE(I hope you retads out there got the hint) You will reach an area where a kid and the MASAMUNE are.Say NO if you need to heal. YES will get a fight. Attack only one of them. If your first choice gets a response, go for the other one. After fighting Masa & Mune, MASAMUNE will come out to play. Use a duoble tech each round, and a heal ever other roundafter giving HIM a thrashing, you get the broken MASAMUNE and be telaported out. Off to

12. The Masamune
First, go to Porre, specifically Tata's house. WHAT??!!!!?? That stupid bastard, faking at being a hero. Take the medal from him, and back to Glenn. He doesn't want it back? Well get the pot(weed optoinal, the game is actually better with it), and lo and behold, it's the handel. If you have Robo or Lucca with you, he finds Malechior's name inscribed on it. Take it to him. NOW. For repairs. Damn, We need dreamstone, and it is gone. Oh. Well, sounds like a job for the old man at the end of time. Prehistoric times? The only portal you MAY not have checked yet. Go to

13. The Past
KICKASS! Little green men from Mars! Either the infamous God Of War has a SICK sense of humor, or these are just smart lizards. OK, LOTS of lizards. DAMN she's nutz! Glad she's on our side. Really glad she Likes Crono(doin' a little dance, gettin' DOWN tonight! Yaahhhhh.)! Follow her. Hey! Get off that ledge, we can't climb! Damn IT! We lost the hot bitch(Ayla)! not too hard to figure out where she went, though. Only one way to go, down a little and WAY to the right is a small encampment. Up nroth is the Hunting Grounds. If you don't know what to do at the Hunting grounds, the take the cartridge and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS YOU NIMROD! So level up already! It WILL take awhile, but atleast 4 levels, which should get you pleny of Trade Items. Go into every hut, talk to everyone, and trade till you can upgrade everyone on you team. make a second round and you should find Ayla, and wind up in the square in a Block Party, small though the block is! talk for a while, dance when Lucca offers it, then talk to Ayla. What? I got to challenge you?! Can't we just sleep together istead? No,i dont want an eating contest you pinhe.. Wait, eating contest? HELL YA!!! Please don't loose, especially if you have a turbo contrller! It's actually easier than the soda contest at the Fair! After you win, you wake up and you find your Portal Key is missing! Well, there are foot prints that lead to the

14. Lizard Home
This forest is pretty straight forward, don't bother trying to level up, there is no way back out to heal, watchout for the damned flying monkeys though! You eventually will ether find your way out or realize that you need a brain too figure this out. If you find you got a brain, enter the mountain. If you found out you got no brain, here's a joke for ya (How do you keep a stupid person waiting?.. I'll tell ya tomarrow) Jump down every hole you find(your girlfriend's hole is completely optional, tends to interfere with gaming though) fight everything you find, and when you see a save point, heal, and save. Go UP, not left. If you go left, you gotta start from the begining of the game. And if belive that i got some ocean front property in Illinios ta sell ya really cheap. Seriously, you just start at the begining of the mountain. So go up, and there is Azayla, the lizard (is it a King or a Queen?). Tell her what she wants to know if you want, or with hold it. Same outcome, gotta fight the big bad Nizbel. Kinda confusing at first, cause her Defense is masive, and if you use Lightning on her, she saves it up and let's it loose two rounds later. So hit her with lighning! Yes, i said shock her! DO IT! GOD DAMN YOU STUPID MORON, DO IT NOW!!!!!!!! Lowers her defense don't it? Now hammer her till she dies, or shocks ya. If she shocks ya, shock her right back. Well, that was a good workout! Oh, NOW you give our toy back! Yeah, what ever you fat bitch. Go all back to the End of Time and though that portal that let's you out in the freak house. Go to Malchior's house and

14. MasaMune Reserected
Malchior is so stunned that you got Dream Stone, he forget's too make you pay for fixing the MasaMune! It takes a while, and now you got the best weapon in the game. Put it on Cro.. NUTZ! Crono can't use it! Well, the only other sword weilding person in the game is Frog, so give it back to him. Oh so you came to terms with your past? Good, come on, we need you! Go off to

15. The Magic Mountians
What the FUCK???!!! No entrance?! Well, we're screwed! There's no way we can. get.. in.. now... Frog, what the hell are you doing? There was a reason we didn't open that the FIRST time we came here you moron! Oh well, it's open now! Go on in, then. Note that the bat near your head is neither a danger to you , nor able to be hurt be you. Yet. follow the path.. at the end is a skeleton.. why does he have a note written in blood? Oh, now that is some good advice. Exit the dungeon, and go find

16. Mangus the Summoner
Mangus's Castle is in plain view, but the intro to it could use some work, which was probably done in the PlayStation version. This is a little tricky, go left and talk to everyone,to the top room and examine EVERYTHING you see. go out to the entrance hall, and to the right now(if you didn't guess that you have no brain, and noneed to play this game).first room, ignore the children, and go up. WHAT THE FUCK???????? Mom? People that are important to us(supposedly). Me thinks foul play is afoot. Go to the room at the top, and examine EVERYTHING here. Go out to the entrance and see that Save Point? It's not a Save Point! You see Ozzy agian! Damn fag needs to quit already. What? 100 monsters in this caslte? THAT'S ALL???!!! Well hell you could probable beat them with the stuff you started with! Now go back to the other side, and.. OMYGOD! SKELETONS! Kewl. Go up to the top room and fight Slash! WEE! Got to fight him twice, and this can be difficult if you didn't level up like I said! I'm not perfect, just better than you are at video games. Oookaaay, what a moron. Well, that done with, examine the Sword above the throne, and put it on Crono. Go back to the OTHER side, and.. OH SHIT! Mom, the King, Tabin, and anyone else there WILL attack you if you touch them! At the top is Flea. What the FUCK??!! A one hit kill on a boss? No way, and there is the REAL Flea, that damn dirty rat.. err, bat! Well, it looks like a girl, but claims to be a guy. Him, her, same differance kill it! Magic is the best here, especially if you got Luminaire. No, you can't fuck her, that's my job. Just kill her. Good, another corpse for the Fyre. This is very straight forward, and those stairs are designed to aviod the grey balls. You'll see Ozzy agian, and now you need to kill him. Pussy keeps running away! Pit traps, a blade trap, all that good shit. When you finally get to him, aim for the buttons at the back, not at him. evenyually you'll hit the right one and drop him down a pit. There are 2 'save points'. The left one is real, the rightone is another telepad point. There are also 2 chests to open. When you get to a flight of stairs that goes DOWN (not up), you can aviod a battle by running down them. after the second one is Magus The Sommoner. This WILL be hard, even if you took my advice to the max, but if you did take my advice to the max, good for you, it'll take 5 minutes instead of 7. Magus is summoning Lavos, but not to Destroy the world! He wants to destroy Lavos! But your charecters don't believe him. Oh well. Here's some tips for the battle.

  1. Bring Crono(you got to), Lucca and either Marle or Robo.
  2. Watch the Message screen very closely, cause' he changes his weakness every time you attack him. if you don't have the attack type he's using, Heal, and use a physical attack to change his waekness.
  3. when he has a weakness you can exploit, DO IT!
Well, if you follow that advice, you'll have no problems. What the.. He was telling the truth? Oh shit! Now that is a BIGASS time gate! Wha..

17. The stone age again?
That sux! Well, mabye Hot Tits will be here again. Nope, see went to see some losers about help fighting the Reptites! Well? Follow her! Go through the chared forest and talk to everyone in the village. What do you mean Ayla's fault? It can be Hot Tit's fault you jackass! The Reptites did it cause your HUMANS! Well, atleast you'll let her use the 'Dactals. Follow her to

18 'Dactals adn Reptites
There is an area east of the Hunting grounds called the 'Dactal Nest. Go in you fucking SpEds (Special Education students)! Monkeys, and rocks mostly, once you get to the top of the mountain, you find Hot Tits and the 'Dactals(talk about big drum sticks) getting ready to leave. you finally talk her into letting you come along. Take Marle or Robo with you. You'll need the Healing. Except at this one area where you've got to step on hidden Telepads, you SHOULD have no problems! After the Telepads, you fight Nezbel II! Yea, some routine, just stronger. Dumb bitch thought she could beat me! And now Azayla.. and his pet T-Rex! focus on Azayla first, with physical attacks, then the T-Rex. Or you can use a couple of Techs to pound both at the same time. Gonna be tough either way. Took me 3 tries the first time through. After that, you and Azayla have a short talk, and Lavos comes. Ayla tries to save him, but Azayla must keep his pride. Damned lizard, remember him always. There is now a Gate where Lavos landed. Use it, and go to

19 12000B.C.
This a strange place. All ice.. Azayla was right. Well, there is a house like thingamabob down South-East of here, enter it, and go to the building. There are three books that you can open. one for Fyre, one for wind, one for water. I believe the order is Fyre, Wind, Water, but feel free to correct me if i am wrong. this opens a secret doorway. That taken care of, leave, and go North to the other other telepad enclosure. More ice.. so cold, i wish i had remembered my hoody. There is one more telepad enclosure on this continent. Use it to fing the Magic Kindom's capitol, and the BlackWing airship. Go to the City. There is another set of books, same order, new passage. This one has a Nu raring to rumble. Nuke him and take the Black Rock. it'll be useful later on. Go out and east to the caves, and all the way to Zeal castle. Go to the NE corner of the city, and talk to Schala. Janus is there to, and says that the 'Black Wind blows'. Follow Schala to the main hall, and then go to the Hall of the Mammon Machine. recharge Marle's pendant and go to the main hall agian, opening the door. Enter and duke it out with Dalton's Golem Boss. Ice will hurt it very quickly, but if you lose, you get captured anyway, so decide if it's worth your time to even try. You find yourself floating in another prison, but you can't move this time. Schala and Janus come in, and set you free only to have the Prophet walk in on you. Schala begs for you pathetic lives, and the prophet sends you back through your gate to Prehistoric times. Go to the end of time and go

19 Back To The Future(no pun or infringement intended)
Remeber those black doors i told you to remember? Good, open them all. And don't forget to take the Sewer Access to the Southern continent. That one has a really cool ship in it you can use for time travel(the Epoch, it's on the front page you nimrods). Go to 600 A.D. first, and activate those wierd Black Boxes ONCE, and DON'T OPEN THEM! After you activate them all, go to 1000 A.D. and open them all,THEN go back to 600 A.D. and get them. The items you got from 1000A.D. are now powered up, and the colored ones will absorb all damage from the element that goes with the color(Red-Fyre, Blue Water, Yellow-Lightning, and Black-Shadow). Well, you didn't actually DO much in 12,000 B.C., so after visiting the End of time and making sure everyone that can use magic has it, go on back the the 12,000 B.C. and go to the Norht-East to the Earth Bound village. Get the best armor, spend the night and talk to the elder to find out what happend to the Guru. Go to the bottem and though to the Beast nest. You should bring Crono, Marle, and Ayla. I know she can't use magic, but Marle and Ayla learn the Double Tech 'Double Charm' which can steal an item off opponents. Level up here, and DON'T kill the Red and Blue Beast's till you get 'Double Charm'. after that, Kill the Imp FIRST, then the beasts should be easy. Red is weak to Ice, Blue is weak to Fyre, but physical attacks will work as for this fight. Go back, rest, and save. We're off to

20. The Mountain of Woe
This is a very straight forward area, but remember that only the THICK chains will support three people at one time, so dont even try to get on the smaller ones. Please note that in the second half of the Mountain chain, those rocks are worth 100 tech points, only if you KILL them, and the only appear once each. There are like 5 of them so kill ALL of them. The boss is Giga Gaia. The best move for this bitch is Falcon Hit(Crono and Ayla double tech) heal if need be, when you kill him, you meet Malchior! You, him, and the Village Elder talk for a while, then Schala and Janus come in, talk for a while, Dalton returns, takes Schala, and Malchior will now give you the Ruby Knife, the only thing that can destry the damned Mammon Machine! Well, atleast the Skyway works now! The Nu in Kajar sells weapons and armor now, but you got to tell the fucking retard that the pendent isn't Schala's, or he won't sell you anything! Go to the Zeal Palace again, and to the Queens chambers. Dalton will escape through a self-made portal. Follow him you STUPID FUCKING ASS-HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now in

21. The Ocean Palace.
Yes, this is the Ocean Palace the Earth Bound Ones were building for the Bitch Queen Zeal. You start off talking to Mune, after that go through the door in front of him. This room is HUGE, and has six doors. Go though the side ones first, and step on the blue circles, then go to the rooms adjacent to them, and dowm through the doors in the lower corner of the opposite side of where you entered. Step on those blue circles, go back the the 6 door room, and go through the south door. Enter the door at the center of the lower wall, and go down the stairs to you left. Follow this path.

Here we have it: on Android and iOS! Just the mention of the game's name will stir a lot of emotions in people, and not just those of us who were around for the original release.

Almost 20 years ago, a dream team of designers and artists at Square (now Square Enix) got together to make a game with a silent protagonist who forms friendships with people throughout time in an effort to save the world from a most insidious form of evil. It had memorable locations, epic battles, emotionally charged sub-plots, and multiple endings. Chrono Trigger helped shape the genre for years afterwards, and as the recent mobile ports prove, it's just as relevant and stirring as ever.Gameplay will be familiar to anyone who has played an RPG since the '90s. It all starts with Chrono sleeping in his bed, napping the day away as is the norm for role playing mega-hero-types. He eventually heads out to attend Guardia's Millennial Fair, where his friend Lucca is showing off a brand new invention guaranteed to impress. Naturally, nothing goes quite as expected, and Chrono soon finds himself traveling through time to save a girl he just met, restore the honor of a frog knight, rescue a robot from the destitute future, save a crumbling kingdom, befriend a malefic mage, and put a stop to a formidable evil destroying the world in the past, present, and future.The mobile ports of Chrono Trigger are a reworked version of the Nintendo DS port released in 2008, itself an improved version of the PlayStation port from a few years earlier. The changes made were small but significant enough to make players familiar with the game to squint an eye or two.

New content was added in the form of animated cutscenes and a few additional dungeons, so even veterans had a few excuses to hop in and play it through one more time. With the iOS and Android versions, the biggest change is the interface update for touch-based controls. A virtual analog stick appears whenever you touch the left side of the screen, allowing you to move around and navigate menus. Everything else is presented with an easy to prod box element, including battle options and equipment menu screens.Analysis: No matter what you say about the ports or what you feel about the re-re-releasing of an old game, you can't ignore this simple fact: it's Chrono Trigger! None of the ports of the SNES release have been pitch-perfect, but the mobile releases are perfectly serviceable for anyone with a touch screen device, tablet or otherwise. Only codgery gamers such as this reviewer will scrutinize the slight changes in text and sound effects, but if you set aside the nostalgic glasses for a few hours, it's hard to find any serious flaws to complain about.One of the obvious downsides to Chrono Trigger on iOS/Android is the price. Square Enix charges a premium for its games, even ports of decades-old releases.

While this would be justified in the console and PC markets, it doesn't fit the mobile economy very well, and as a result it's a bit shocking to see. It would be extremely difficult to sell anything at these prices if it didn't have an established franchise name to flaunt, especially when compared to indie-made games that exist for a fraction of the price. It's a hurdle, to be sure, but one of a questionable economical philosophy, not a gameplay quality issue.Since we're down to splitting hairs, there are a few things worth noting about the mobile versions of Chrono Trigger that just don't seem to make sense. For starters: why the blurry visuals? It's sometimes painfully obvious which elements were added for iOS and Android when compared to the original content, which shouldn't have a problem being displayed with sharp edges seeing as how it's pixel artwork.

It doesn't detract from the game so much, but it's noticeable, and it really shouldn't be for the price you're paying. Also, expect to spend some time learning the touch controls before you can navigate with confidence. Sliding virtual buttons are a poor replacement for a solid gamepad.Chrono Trigger is one of the ten games every gamer should be familiar with at least on some level.

It was crafted with precision and passion, and it holds up just as well today as it did in 1995. The mobile ports are good but not quite perfect, especially when analyzed with the Glasses of Nostalgia +10. But it's an absolutely epic game, and having a mobile version of Chrono Trigger to carry around everywhere you go can't be a bad thing! Please consider creating a Casual Gameplay account if you're a regular visitor here, as it will allow us to create an even better experience for you. You may use limited for style:(a href, b, br/, strong, em, ul, ol, li, code, spoiler)HTML tags begin with a less-than sign:. No exceptions. To post spoilers, please use spoiler tags: example If you need help understanding spoiler tags,.

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