ViaMichelin offers between towns, addresses and points of interest for 4 possible modes of transport: car / motorcycle / bike / pedestrian.For car and motorcycle routes you can choose from the following variants:. Michelin recommended: this route option focuses on safety, simplicity and minimising any risk of route errors.
This is the default route that Michelin recommends. The quickest (prioritising time): this route option takes the least time to reach the destination. The shortest (prioritising distance): this route option involves the shortest distance to reach the destination, whilst always remaining on passable roads. Discovery: this route option favours scenic routes of tourist interest. Economic: this route focuses on fuel efficiency and avoiding toll roads.You can add up to 6 stages to your route.
Distance from Zurich to New York (Zurich Airport – New York John F. Kennedy International Airport) is 3931 miles / 6326 kilometers / 3416 nautical miles. See also a map, estimated flight duration, carbon dioxide emissions and the time difference between Zurich and New York.
These stages will also be included in the ViaMichelin GPS app if you have saved your route in your Michelin account.For every calculated route, ViaMichelin offers the choice of two or three itineraries and allows you to make an easy comparison.ViaMichelin can provide a detailed cost for your journey: fuel costs adapted to your vehicle and toll costs throughout Europe.
How long does it really take to fly from New York City to Zurich? Here's a sample itinerary for a commercialflight plan. If you want to know the total travel time to reach Zurich, you need to include time at the airports.Eventually, you'll be able to customize this itinerary to selectother nearby airports and choose your preferred airline.
Tuesday, 3:56 am: start in New York City
drive for about 39 minutes
most airlines recommend you get to the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight, so arrive by 5:30 am at the latest
4:35 am: John F. Kennedy International (JFK)
if you need to check luggage, make sure you do it at least 30-60 minutes before departure, or in this case, by 6:00 am
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5:05 am: get your boarding pass and go through TSA security
allow enough time for long security lines during busy travel seasons or holidays, and prepare for the wait time
Final fantasy x walkthrough. 6:05 am: arrive at the gate
once you're ready to board, you can get something to eat in the airport or just relax near the gate
6:35 am: prepare for boarding
check your boarding pass for your group number or listen to the gate agent as they announce boarding, some airlines require you to be in the boarding area 10-15 minutes before departure or risk losing your seat
6:50 am: board Swiss International Airlines flight
you can scroll down to view other airlines that fly this route
7:00 am: this is your scheduled departure time
but remember flights can be delayed, so take that into account
it takes the plane an average of 15 minutes to taxi to the runway
7:15 am: wheels up! take-off from JFK
fly for about 8.5 hours in the air
9:38 pm (local time): Zurich Airport (ZRH)
Zurich is 6 hours ahead of New York City
so the time in New York City is actually 3:38 pm
taxi on the runway for an average of 15 minutes to the gate
9:53 pm (local time): arrive at the gate at ZRH
deboard the plane, and claim any baggage
if you're renting a car, check if you need to take a shuttle to car rental agency, otherwise you can ride in a cab, limo, or Uber for about 19 minutes to your destination
10:12 pm (local time): arrive in Zurich
Total travel time: 12 hours