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Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen

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Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen 4,6/5 8929 reviews

Blood OmenKain is the eponymous character and main protagonist of the franchise. He was a playable character in, and, and made appearances throughout the series.A antihero, Kain was inextricably tangled in plots to control the of his world,. The son of an aristocratic family, he lived the life of an ambitious young nobleman, never realizing his undiscovered destiny – to take his rightful place as, and serve the. During one fateful journey, Kain was cruelly assassinated and resurrected from the dead. His quest for vengeance led him on a torturous journey of self-discovery as his took irrevocable hold on his.Cunning and relentless, Kain battled the oppressive agents of fate that sought to destroy him. For centuries, he ruthlessly pursued a singular ambition: to restore the land of Nosgoth, and return it to vampire rule.

This section is dedicated to the first Legacy of Kain game, Blood Omen, and contains all of the spoken dialogue. If you have forgot your password, fill in the form. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain is an action-adventure game developed by Silicon Knights and published by Crystal Dynamics, with distribution involvement from Activision and BMG Interactive.

Armed with the legendary blade, and pursued by his fallen creation, he hoped to reclaim his true role as from the wreckage of history. Contents Profile 'I knew what ominous hour this was in Nosgoth's history. For here was the event that had shaped my entire existence.

I had cast my fate, refusing the sacrifice, damning the Pillars, and founding my doomed empire upon their ruins. I would raise the Sarafan priests to be my closest lieutenants, and would one day cast the strongest of them, my servant Raziel, into the abyss – dealing one last hand to play against Fate. But in the end, had it made any difference?

Had I misread the signs, as Moebius told me? In my arrogance, had I missed my cast at destiny?' ―Kain Origins A Weary Traveler 'Vae Victus - suffering to the conquered. Ironic that now I was the one suffering.

Not anything as pedestrian as physical pain. Rather the cruel jab of impotent anger - the hunger for revenge. I didn’t care if I was in Heaven or Hell - all I wanted was to kill my assassins.' ―KainKain after his death, trapped in the Underworld.Kain's transformation into a vampire.Born a in the, Kain - the son of an aristocratic family - grew up oblivious of his own momentous destiny within Nosgoth.

Hailing from, the ambitious yet unknown and directionless nobleman lived a privileged life, in the shadow of a dying world. As he matured, he witnessed the rise of the in the north, aware of the impending threat they posed to the court of his allegiance, the.Kain roamed the land, but one fateful journey would spell his demise. While he was a young man, thirty years old, he stopped at a tavern in, but was unable to secure a place for the night. 'Forced to the road', he was ambushed by a and cruelly murdered, impaled on his 's.

Emerging trapped in the, still transfixed by his enemy's blade, his was offered a chance for vengeance by the Necromancer Mortanius, who guaranteed him 'the blood he hungered for'. Tormented, desperate, and heedless of his benefactor's ulterior motives, Kain recklessly accepted the offer without a second thought.Awakening 'to the pain of a new existence' in, Kain realized the nature of his resurrection: he had been reborn as a vampire, finding 'no comfort, only malice' in the embrace of the sun.

Undeterred by hunger and weakness, he soon hunted down his assassins, killing each one and sating himself on their. Though certain that his quest was over, he was quickly corrected by Mortanius, who assured him that 'these fools were merely the instruments of his murder, not the cause'. Enticed by the Necromancer's words, and determined to seek a cure for the that afflicted him, Kain ventured to the Pillars of Nosgoth. The Fate of this World 'My murder at the hands of this beast drove my love Nupraptor mad. Now he spreads misery and pain among the Circle, crumbling the very foundation of Nosgoth. You must restore balance. You must right the Pillars of Nosgoth.'

―ArielThe fledgling Kain at the Pillars of Nosgoth.When Kain arrived at the nine Pillars, he was met by the of - the former Guardian of the Pillar of Balance - bound there by the edifices' symbiotic. Ariel told Kain that 'there is no cure for death. Only release', but instructed him to destroy the sorcerers poisoning Nosgoth if he sought to realize peace. The Circle of Nine - the Pillars' sworn Guardians - had been driven to insanity by, the and Ariel's bereaved lover, and now spread misery throughout the land. Though unconcerned for the fate of the world, Kain silently accepted the task before him, beginning his quest as the scourge of the Circle.

As he departed, Ariel enigmatically warned him to 'beware the Unspoken'.Seeking to eliminate Nupraptor, Kain passed through the humans' cities, commenting on Nosgoth's evident decay as he progressed, and gradually adapted to his new abilities; he could wield arcane, and could magically adopt the of the and the at will. From, he observed, and resolved 'to cut the cancer from its heart'. After a short battle, Kain was able to decapitate Nupraptor. He returned to Ariel and placed her beloved's before the, cleansing it of corruption.Kain next targeted Malek, the Conflict Guardian and Ward of the Circle. He returned to Coorhagen on his travels northward, with 'no delusions' as to the impending welcome; the city had been struck by the, offering him what he cynically described as 'a perfect homecoming'. Upon flying to via, he found little respite in the harsh environment. He battled his way to Malek, but after a brief combat, the Paladin unleashed an unassailable spell of holy magic, forcing Kain to retreat.

The vampire knew he would need further guidance to overcome his assailant, and, on Ariel's counsel, pursued the wisdom of the. The Path to Hell 'A nobleman? Seeking wisdom? Death has taught you well.'

―MoebiusKain soliciting advice from the Oracle of Nosgoth.Kain's first meeting with Vorador.In the, Kain refuted the elderly soothsayer's cryptic philosophy, angrily willing 'a pox upon his tricks and babble', and demanding answers. Hinting at the plight of King of and the quandary of the Legions of the Nemesis, the Oracle explained that his path lay with that of - the vampire who defeated Malek in battle, centuries past. At Kain's urging, the old man steered him towards the, inviting him to follow the glow of the to. He claimed it 'lights the path to Hell, nobleman. Your path'.Kain was simultaneously impressed and repulsed by Vorador's decadent and luxurious tastes. The hedonistic elder vampire provided him 'something worse than Hell.

A vision of what he was becoming'. Though Kain considered his newfound ally 'boorish' and a 'decadent old fool', Vorador was congenial, and quickly grew fond of the fledgling 'despite his youthful arrogance'. He instructed Kain not to concern himself with the affairs of man - the 'cattle' - and offered him his, to summon him if in need of aid.Kain's resolve to find a cure was only strengthened by this meeting.

He now had 'clear knowledge of what sort of monster he would become if he let his curse consume him'. Traveling to, he pursued more of the Guardians; there, he encountered, and, the Guardians of, and, engaged in a plot 'to twist the world'. Though Anarcrothe escaped his blade, calling upon Malek, Kain was able to summon Vorador in retaliation, who overcame his old enemy once and for all. With the subsequent deaths of Bane, DeJoule and Malek, Kain restored three more of the Pillars. One Wolf in the Pack 'Gift?

Vorador thought my curse a blessing. That we were gods and that mortals offered their blood as sacrifice so that we could enjoy our supernatural powers.

And somewhere deep inside my new self I knew he was right. That mortal dreams were prayers. Prayers to us - begging for our power.' ―KainKain at his audience with King Ottmar in Willendorf.The autocratical city of, ruled by the Planer, was Kain's next destination. Within its walls, he encountered setting the place, 'paved in blood and flesh', on fire. 'What would have appalled in his life,' he observed, 'only tempted him in death. Once he would have felt horror; now only hunger remained'.

Diligently cutting a path through the ruined metropolis to, Kain could never have predicted the gravitas behind the weapon he would discover within. In the Cathedral's dungeon, he fatefully discovered and claimed the legendary Soul Reaver - his 'kindred', he unwittingly mused.Traversing the building, Kain confronted Azimuth, and with 'little trouble', felled her with a single blow from his newfound blade. Before restoring the, he - not so coincidentally - recovered, from her person, a. His attention diverted by Ariel towards the Legions of the Nemesis, Kain chose to disregard Vorador's counsel. Growing increasingly 'embroiled in human events', he accepted that he would need to explore the machinations of - the Guardian of - if his quest was ever to reach its end.Drinking blood from the tomb of one of King Ottmar's forefathers in the, Kain utilized his newly gained enchantment to adopt the visage of a living nobleman.

His audience with the beloved yet despondent Ottmar made his course clear; he would need to reclaim the soul of the, trapped within, from the Dollmaker. In exchange, Willendorf's would aid him against the Legions.

After infiltrating the in northern Nosgoth, Kain returned to the court with the soul and Elzevir's head; 'Willendorf was his, if he wished it'. The Tragic Hero 'The court of King Ottmar; shades of my former existence.

Proud and self absorbed, surrounded by all the finery of the realm. Secure in their ignorance. As I walked among them I smirked thinking of the carnage that would befall them at the hands of the Legions of the Nemesis. The glorious flames, the inevitable rape and pillage.' ―KainKain witnesses Moebius's mob celebrating the execution of Vorador.Kain beheads Moebius following their battle.Kain refused rulership of Willendorf; all he desired was Ottmar's army, to vanquish the descending Legions in the north. Ottmar immediately consented. Not long afterward, the Army of Hope and the Legions of the Nemesis met in the.

Advance wars days of ruin review. Kain watched on as the 'black tide' of his enemies marched forward, sating his thirst 'on warriors of Horde and Hope alike' in the clamor. The fierce Nemesis armies 'showed no signs of subsiding', and killed Ottmar before long, routing Willendorf's troops.

Cornered and sure of defeat, Kain used his only means of escape - the time-streaming device.Swept away from the, Kain found himself fifty years in the past, in a time where the tyrannical Nemesis was but a benevolent boy-king:. Killing and reading the thoughts of a, he witnessed Moebius rallying William's people for an 'onslaught'. An idea blossomed in Kain's mind; if he assassinated William in this time, the Nemesis would never rise to threaten Nosgoth. Infiltrating the, Kain overheard as Moebius warned William of his approach, and provided him weapons before departing.Kain battled William, who was - unexpectedly - armed with the Soul Reaver. Though the battle was trying, Kain overwhelmed the future Nemesis with his own version of the legendary sword, breaking the blade of his enemy's Reaver and slaying William. The created a as he replenished his strength with the young king's blood. Innotoria tower defense 1.

As William's guards rushed into the room, Kain recovered a second time-streaming device, which activated - sending him back to the Blood Omen era. Even with Moebius's pawn 'removed from the game', Kain knew that there was 'something amiss'. The Wreckage of History 'Aye - you have seen my plan, vampire, as I have seen your destiny. The future says you die!'

―MoebiusKain is taunted by the Dark Entity.Departing the ruined stronghold, Kain wandered south beyond. He heard cheering and the scent of vampire blood, and was dismayed to learn 'the folly fell upon his own shoulders. With their sainted King William dead by his hand, the people of the land were consumed by a hunger all their own - for vampire blood'. Kain arrived at the scene just as Vorador, the last of the era's vampires in this altered timeline, was guillotined before a bloodthirsty mob at Moebius's command.Kain now realized that Moebius had been the Oracle of Nosgoth; he had been manipulated all along. 'How much of my quest was of his design?' The Battle of the Last Stand? William the Just?

Was this the trap he had fashioned for me?' He fought off, and battled the Time Streamer himself. On his defeat, Moebius admitted to his role in altering history, and warned Kain of his destiny: he would die. Unconcerned, Kain answered 'but I am dead', and beheaded Moebius: 'as are you'.Mortanius congratulated Kain and summoned him to the Pillars.

There, Kain witnessed a confrontation between the last of the Guardians - Mortanius himself, Guardian of, and Anarcrothe. Anarcrothe revealed that it was Mortanius who had 'had Kain killed and turned him into a monster', setting the vampire upon the Circle. It had been 'poisoned' by Nupraptor's insanity; only in its destruction could Nosgoth be redeemed. Mortanius killed Anarcrothe, and was confronted by Kain. The Necromancer embraced his fate, but warned the 'princeling' that his death would 'leave one more to take'. At My Whim 'I am the last Pillar. The only survivor of the Circle of Nine.

At my whim the world will be healed or damned. ―KainFacing his fateful decision at the Pillars, Kain makes his choice.Kain upon setting the Pillar of Balance as the throne of his empire.On his defeat, Mortanius's flesh was transformed by the 'Unspoken' Ariel had warned Kain of: the, who had murdered Ariel and orchestrated the. Kain battled and defeated the monster, and eight of the nine Pillars stood restored. Finally, Ariel revealed the truth to him. He himself, all along, had been an ordained member of the Circle of Nine, its 'only survivor': the Balance Guardian, born as Ariel's successor upon her death.At the moment of his birth, Kain had been corrupted by Nupraptor's insanity; he too would need to die for the Pillars to be restored.

Ariel presented him a fateful decision: himself to redeem Nosgoth, but - as Nosgoth's last surviving vampire - ensure the vampires' extinction - or refuse the sacrifice, prolonging his own life and that of the vampire race, but securing Nosgoth's damnation. Disgusted by the machinations of the human sorcerers, Kain refused the sacrifice and embraced his curse at last, triggering the.Concluding with the epiphany that Vorador had been correct all along - that vampires were 'dark gods' whose duty was 'to thin the herd' - Kain established the unrestored Pillar of Balance as his throne, the seat of.

He set out to reclaim his birthright to rule over all Nosgoth, but realized too late that 'the health of the Pillars was tied inextricably into the health of the land. With the Pillars left unrestored, corruption seeped slowly into the land like a poison, turning his empire into an irredeemable wasteland'.

'Once I embraced my powers I realized that Vorador was correct. We are gods - dark gods - and it is our duty to thin the herd.' ―Kain Seeking a third option A Solitary Man 'Kain is deified. The Clans tell tales of Him. Few know the truth.

Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen

He was mortal once, as were we all. However, His contempt for humanity drove him to create me, and my brethren.' ―RazielKain turning away as Raziel is cast into the Abyss.Five centuries after the collapse of the Pillars, Kain's conquest of Nosgoth began in earnest: he had discovered a method of raising vampires, and 'his first act was to recruit a cadre'.

Fostering an abject sense of contempt for the and the holy wars they had engendered in humanity, he indulged in a well-calculated 'blasphemous, private joke'. Uncovering and plundering the, he breathed portions of his soul energy into the ancient corpses of the six Sarafan commanders there interred, one by one. Kain's 'gift' of energy drew their own souls back into their bodies: they were revived as fledgling vampires, wholly ignorant of their Sarafan roots due to the weathers of time.The was formed.

Under Kain's auspices, the reborn Raziel, and raised vampire clans of their own, giving rise to a. Within a century, humanity was 'thoroughly domesticated', and the vampires' empire fully took hold, with Kain considered the sovereign of all Nosgoth. Slaves were utilized to construct the - an appropriate shrine to commemorate this 'new renaissance' - around the Pillars. The was crafted to shield the land 'from the poisonous effects of the sun'. As time passed, Kain's own history passed into tales and legend; the emperor was deified by, with very few in Nosgoth aware of his origins as a mortal human.Over the centuries, Kain and his vampire progeny through evolutionary hibernation, 'becoming less human' and more divine. Always, 'Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift. Some years after the master, his sons' evolution would follow.'

One fateful day, however, a millennium after his resurrection, Raziel surpassed Kain, growing a set of batlike wings. Apparently acting on a 'jealous whim', Kain violently tore the newly fledged bones from Raziel's back before the Council, ordering his firstborn to be cast into the. Turel and Dumah obeyed his command as he turned away, bearing Raziel into the without question. The Full Gravity of Choice 'Conscience.? You dare to speak to me of conscience? Only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare question my judgment!Your life's span is a flicker compared to the mass of doubt and regret that I have borne since Mortanius first turned me from the light. To know that the fate of the world hangs dependent on the advisedness of my every deed - can you even begin to conceive what action you would take, in my position?'

―Kain — Kain awaiting Raziel at the Sanctuary of the Clans.The Soul Reaver fails to devour Raziel's soul, shattering in Kain's hands.After Raziel's demise, Kain retreated even further from life in Nosgoth, making himself 'known only when he saw fit'. He intervened little in the affairs of his vampire descendants, who became increasingly monstrous over their centuries of devolution. With the passing of time, he had grown more and more convinced of the irredeemable nature of the wasteland. He viewed his empire, descending into chaos and 'wracked with cataclysms', as fundamentally 'corrupt and failing'. Though still bent on ruling Nosgoth, he appreciated that restoring the Pillars, and the health of the land, was crucial to his ambition.Unbeknownst to Raziel, Kain had always been anticipating his son's return from the Abyss. Five centuries after his execution - roughly two millennia after the collapse of the Pillars - Raziel was resurrected by the, and returned to Nosgoth's as a, galvanized with rage against his former master's 'hypocrisy'.

By all appearances, it seemed that Kain had had eradicated, leaving behind only 'a world of fear'. After slaying the highly-devolved Melchiah, Raziel was able to gain entry to the Sanctuary of the Clans, where he found Kain, clearly awaiting his arrival.Raziel denounced Kain's 'act of genocide' as 'unconscionable', but Kain remarked that 'what he had made, he could also destroy'. Riled, he belittled Raziel's talk of conscience, decrying that 'only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare to question my judgment'. When Raziel stated that he would choose integrity in Kain's position, Kain responded with laughter. He invited Raziel to 'see what had become of their empire' - to 'witness the end of an age. The clans, scattered to the corners of Nosgoth'. Proclaiming that both his empire and Raziel had 'outlasted their usefulness', he drew the Soul Reaver.