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Make You Kingdom

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Make You Kingdom 3,6/5 9360 reviews

I have spent quite a while with this during July. I am quite fascinated by its madness and totally different take on rpg's. My Lulu print of the fan translation is very nice but I have added some luxuries such as page numbers and an index to the many tables which are scattered throughout the book and can be quite tricky to find.Having read that it is quite suitable for soloing, partly due to these very tables it felt churlish not to give it a go. This has been a much more mechanical process than usual, just trying to follow the phases and subphases and run through a straightforward scenario. The game is divided into a number of phases.SETUP PHASEFirst off, using the creation tables of course I created the Kingdom: Philbertland the Back Alley Republic.A small place, slightly biased towards Warfare as opposed to Lifestyle, Culture or Order. Population 68 plus a Court of 3. The Court are the characters who will run the show and wander off on various quests.

The Treasury is currently empty and the only Facility is the Royal Palace. The Kingdom is home to many ex adventurers and military types. The arts are encouraged (honestly!).The CourtOnce again mainly using the provided tables I came up with the following 3 characters:Queen Philly the Blessed who's parents were killed by criminals. She has vowed to make Philbertland a safe place where citizens can live in peace. Her job is a Daedalist and her abilities are stronger in Wit and Charisma than Quest or Warfare. She has a friendly relationship with Cammy and can have a maximum of 21 Followers.

She likes the Queen (!) and Traditions.Oracle Cammy of the False Faith who is a spy with a mission to turn Philbertland into a vassel state of Metro Khan. Her job is a Thief which makes her quite charismatic with skills that aid in Negotiation and dealing with Combat Traps. She also considers Philly to be her friend. She dislikes weak people and weapon maintenance. She likes Baths and Personal Combat.Knight Rocky the Thorough who was lowered from Heaven in an Elevator to serve the world.

Regarding the COV-19 virus and its effects: Things are frustrating, and confusing, and scary. People dream up conspiracy theories to help.

(I still haven't quite figured out this whole elevator thing but it does recur as you can discover elevators in dungeons). Her mission is to deliver the final blow to a Yellow Submarine with her own hands. (I will insert an image of this monster card later). Rocky's job is a Drone, which is a warfare related job but they do have the weirdest names. I would have expected Knight, Oracle etc to be the job.Anyway, having got that far the Court get together to manage and rule the Kingdom.KINGDOM PHASEPrologueThis part took me a while to untangle in the rulebook. Essentially the GM creates a scenario which gives the Court a reason to go and explore a map.

There is a number of rules that the GM must abide by in creating the dungeon/map which repeatedly use a set of variables. Finally continuing this from last month.To recap, the Court of Philbertland are preparing to search for a lost child in the Junk Forest.KINGDOM PHASERound TableOrganisational MeetingPhilly assign each character 5 citizens as FollowersTreasury MeetingThere is no treasury to spendAction Resolution(Each character can take a planning action)Philly uses her Hegemony skill to increase her Warfare ability score by 1 for the scenario.Cammy Gathers Information by sending 4 Followers to the Junk Forest. They successfully search room B3 with a Quest ability check and draw a room card which shows that there are 2 corridors leaving B3. Drawing a monster card they find there are no monsters in the room.They carry on and investigate:C3: success, 2 corridors and a single monsterC2: success, 2 corridors and 2 monsters.They then return to Cammy as the searching becomes increasingly difficult with the risk of losing Followers.Rocky reluctantly goes Wandering. She focuses on Military matters and hears a rumour that a neighboring kingdom is bolstering its military. As a result she must attempt to stock up on iron.With these actions out of the way they move to:-DepartureThe Travel Event table must be rolled on. They are attacked by monsters and must defend themselves using their Warfare attribute.

John deere american farmer deluxe game. Now, that probably doesn't seem like much of a problem, but it really takes away from the challenge of the game (it would be like if in Halo you could kill anyone with one hit). I contacted customer support and they checked it out and confirmed that the animals don't die.

Luckily they all manage to fight off the monsters unscathed.DUNGEON PHASEThey enter the forest at B3, knowing there are no monsters and 2 exits (corridors). The Dungeon Phase has rounds called Quarters. There are 4 Quarters in a turn and after 3 turns they will start to become fatigued.Each Quarter consists of Enter a Room, Encounter, Camp. There are no monsters so they can carry out Camp activities.NOTE: I am not including traps in this scenario as I am still a bit confused about them, especially as to how they will work in a solo game.TURN 1Quarter 1Philly Searches and although she makes a good job of it only finds a piece of Leather.Cammy and Rocky rest.Quarter 2They take the path (corridor) south to C3. At the end of the post is my rough map which should make it clearer but does contain all progress.Now, at this point I had a realisation that things are a a lot more dangerous than I imagined. When you leave or enter an empty room that you have alreadyy explored there is a possibility of a Random Encounter.

The test is a 2D6 roll that must exceed Number of Characters + Number of Rooms Moved + Number of Quarters spent in that room. Consequently as they are leaving the Withered Glade of Despair they encounter 3 Fire Beetles and a Pumpkin Head. It is their first combat together so not surprisingly it is all a bit clumsy.

However 3 rounds later the Ogre lies defeated although alas it has nothing to loot.Time to Camp.Philly has been wounded and noone has thought to bring any supplies (apart from a Lunch which must be conserved) that will ease her suffering. She tries searching for the child but really isn't up to it.Cammy has more success Searching but only finds a scrap of cloth. Rocky just sleeps and dreams.Quarter 3They move to C2 a Grassy Clearing without incident. The two monsters here turn out to be Primal Ogrekin.

These monsters have the strange ability to enhance characters with ogrekin kinship and give them a 'fairy' trait.Philly engineers a strategic advantage for the party and the monsters are downed in 2 rounds.Camping againRocky is now also slightly injured but a bite of Lunch improves both her and Philly slightly. Philly is able to successfully search the area but finds only a useful piece of wood. Cammy also searches for Quest items and recovers 1 Drive.

Drive, Hope and Voices of the People are concepts that I won' expand upon here.Quarter 4Leaving the Grassy Clearing there is only one unexplored path and they are now in territory not scouted by their followers carring out Gather Information. Also, from my previous post we know that there are 3 more areas of the Junk Forest to search and that only one of these areas wil contain monsters (not counting those monsters generated by Random Encounters).As they prepare to move north along the path to the area known as Falling Star Lake they are hailed by a small group of Grunt Elves (Random Encounter). Once again these are neutral creatures so rather than fight the party attempt to negotiate. Unfortunately all that will appease the Elves is a sacrifice of 3 Followers which the party reluctantly agrees to as they really don't want to fight.

(Hmmm, rescue one child, sacrifice 3 citizens!) Each Landmaker calls for a Follower volunteer and they are sent off with the elves. This action also reduces the Voices of the People by 2.A random room card is drawn which reveals that the lake area has a total of 3 exits but no monsters. The unexplored paths are to the north and west.Camping by the lakeThe elves were bored and have followed them here.Turns out the lake has dried up long ago and al that remains is hard baked mud. Philly once again makes a thorough search of the area but finds no child, just a grubby container filled with ehat looks like Reagent.Cammy attempts an Exchamge with the elves. They are able to tell her that there are no monsters to the north which means the last monsters will be found to the west.


Given the injured state of the party loks like the search for the child will continue north next.Rocky Rests and recovers to her maximum Drive of 2.This is the end of Turn 1.TURN 2Quarter 1They head up the path north, leaving the elves (and sacrificed Followers) behind. As they are not leaving an empty area there is no chance of a Random Encounter and as predicted by the elves they find no monsters ahead. This area of the forest is called the Heathland of Despair. It is cold, windswept and barren. It doesn't take Philly long to spot a figure huddling against one of the few trees.

It is Arthur, the boy they are seeking. He has a sprained ankle and is quite sorry for himself but still doesn't seem that pleased to see his rescuers.Cammy and Rocky try unsuccessfully to find a shortcut out of the forest.Now they must make their way back to the Kingdom with the injured boy. They are tired, injured, have very little food left and may encounter monsters when leaving or entering any empty explored areas (this one included). Writing this entry up for the Nov 2018 solo rpg list.TURN 2Quarter 2They have found Dominic the lost boy in the Junk Forest and must now decide what to do. Rocky would like to finish exploring the Forest and route out all the monsters. Cammy looks to Pbilly for guidance and she is very clear that she wants to get the boy home asap. Being too polite to search his bag they ask him is he has any food.

Luckily he still has a Full Course tucked away.They set off to retrace their steps back to Falling Star Lake.(B2) On the way they run into some Fire Beetles and a Pumpkin Head who are neutrally disposed towards them.random encounter roll They decide to Negotiate rather than Fight and Philly gives them her Dismaze Gear to make them Friendly. Back at Falling Star Lake they wave at the Grunt Elves before making camp.Cammy takes a Rest Quest action. Needing a wee in the night she wanders away from the camp and finds a secret tunnel. A good roll on the table and she used a Voice of the People They will be able to exit the Forest from here. Philly and Rocky also took Rest Quest actions but did nothing but snore.TURN 2Quarter 3In the morning they leave the Junk Forest using the secret tunnel. It's a pretty horrid route, boggy, smelly and very cold.

Maybe Cammy knew of this tunnel all along - is it the quickest way to the Metro Khan Kingdom? Remember she is really a spy! Now the mission is complete it is time to return to the Palace.RETURNINGThis is the Travel Event that occurs on the way back to the Palace. There is a single roll for the entire party.In a copse at the end of the tunnel they discover some Iron.END PHASEThe characters have returned to the Kingdom.

What has happened while they've been away?Returning to the KingdomEach character rolls to reveal what changes have occured inPhilly: One of the Great Powers has been spreading rumours. She rolls less than the Voices of the People which means that any vasselship in place would be annulled. Take this as Cammy's plans failing so far.Cammy: Has a (secret) cultural exchange with another kingdom and gains a friend there.

In game termi ology this is called a Talent. A further roll reveals this person to be a Merchant.

Each Talent in the kingdom increases the life style value by 1, it is now 2. Lifestyle epresents economic prosperity. During a Kingdom Phase each character may acquire 1 common item with max cost of no more than the liestyle value.All of this also improves one relationship with a kingdom of you (Cammy's) choice. She of course chooses the Metro Khan meaning this relationship goes from Neutral to Friendly.Rocky: The outcome from her roll is that the citizens are longing for more territory.

If you spend 5MG you may add an unkonown region that borders your kingdom to your territory.At this point I had to check terminology as it seems that map, region and territory are synonomousEpilogueDue to the amount of Iron collected Voice of the People increases by 1. (Now 5)Rocky is no closer to understanding her mission to defeat the Yellow Submarine that was given to her by her dying grandfather.Before returning Dominic home Philly takes hi for ince cream and a chat, asking him why he is so miserable. I used my little oracle deck here and drew:Cauldron: Fertility, Magical Combinations, ExperimentsWheel: Progress, Venturing into one's destiny, Travel, Coming around full circleOrbuculum: Sudden insights, Prophetic glimpse into the future, Searching for answers.

Dominic says he had a vivid dream and was given a message that he needed to travel through the Junk Forest to fulfill hos destiny. By hurting his ankle and being 'rescued' he could not now do this. (Who spoke to him in the dream?)Dominic's relieved mother, knowing the bad financial state of the kingdom, donates 1MG as well as a rare general item. (Roll on table gives a Phonograph which improves Rest Rolls).Roundtable DiscussionEarnings ReportCounting income and the reward the kingdom now has 6MG.Total citizens = 66Voices of the People = 5Checking out the current arket state they are able to sell 3 Iron for 1MG.Treasury MeetingNow have 7 MG.

Upkeep costs are 2MG which leaves 5MG in the Treasury.As any MG in excess of the Lifestyle level (currently 2) is lost at the end of the Roundtable Discussion they need to immediately spend 3MG.However. Mary the Merchant Talent who has joined us has an item called a Frog Safe as well as a Credit Card.

The Frog Safe may be used during the End Phase. If this is successful (on a Wit check) then the amount of Treasury that can be carried forward is increased by 1MG. It the Wit check is a critical failure than no MG may be carried forward and the Frog Safe is destroyed.

Luckily she passed the check meaning we can now carry forward 3MG leaving 2MG to be spent in the short term.The decision was to build a Memorial Hall which is a Public Building that allow the storage of materials and items. After doing this I have freed up 4 item slots in the party. (Mental note to self, craft a Backpack at the beginning of the next scenario).Exploration MeetingThe meeting decides to award the session medal to Rocky for her bravery in combat. Accruing medals allows you to take an Advanced Job. (Cammy is secretly peeved at this)DismissalFollowers return to their homes.The Population now consists of:Citizens: 65Characters: 3Talents: 1Giving a total of 69.GrowthEach character is now upgraded as follows:Increase Level by 1Increase HP & maximum allowed Followers by 1Acquire 1 new Skill from their allowed Skill GroupsReset RelationshipsRetrainingUpdate Likes & DislikesNow I've finally finished the initial scenario of this JRPG I think I will continue, developing the plot hopefully as I won't have to concentrate quite so much on the mechanics.


I have a lot of notes on how it fits together and have identified some useful items and skills to invest in. Still a bit dubious about how the traps work and can be managed solo.