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Suikoden V Review

понедельник 30 марта admin 73
Suikoden V Review 4,3/5 9172 reviews

Suikoden V (幻想水滸伝V, Gensō Suikoden Faibu?) (listen) (helpinfo) is a console role-playing game developed by Konami and Hudson Soft and published by Konami for the Sony PlayStation 2. Suikoden V Review (PS2) February 20, 2019 February 21, 2019 by Craig Freeman. There was a time, not long ago in fact, that Konami was a well-known and venerated video game developer. The company was originally founded in 1969, and it was instrumental in releasing some of the most well-known games of the 80s such as Frogger, Gradius, Double.

Suikoden 1, 2, 3, and 4 are now available in the Playstation Network! Please spread the word and buy the games, it may mean a Suikoden VI one day!A subreddit dedicated to Konami's legendary Playstation series and everything we love about it.Rules:.Let's Play's are okay! But please only post one from each series.Links to your blog are okay! But please not too often!.We don't mind answering the same question a thousand times, so if you're new to the series and have a question, post away!.No spoilers in any submission titles.Don't be mean!Permanent Stickies:The series may be old, but we welcome and encourage newcomers- please don't spoil the endings! Hide spoilers like this: Spoiler preface text here(#s 'actual spoiler in here')Please note that there is a space after the hashtag This list of our friends will grow:. Roleplay as your own character in the world of Suikoden II.

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It's been more than a decade since I had last played Suikoden 5. The following is my review of the game after having just beaten it again so many years later.V is definitely as slow to start as I remember it being, but I don't look back on that as a bad thing. I really enjoyed the world building and set up that was done for the later reveals. Without that slower start I don't think they would have had as much of an impact as they did.

All the little missions or seemingly random side quests end up paying off and having a purpose later on. That being said, the start could have been tightened up a bit, but I still had a great time with it.

I forgot many of the story beats so this was a really good refresher for me to get back into that world. Maybe if my last playthrough was only a year ago I would feel different about that.The characterization in this game is its real strength. All of the main cast are so distinct and fleshed out. You spend the most time by far with your family in this game compared to the others (at least as far as I remember) before the story kicks off as it always does in the Suikoden universe and that really made me feel for everyone. Toy soldiers 1991.

Arshtat and Ferid and how that all went down felt like a real loss and the unanswered questions behind not knowing exactly what happened was compelling to me. Your relationship with your sister in the starting portions and that time spent pays off throughout the game and it does a good job of building a connection there. Georg Prime and Sialeeds are incredibly complicated and 'real', and I thought those two were the big standouts, they were by far my favorite characters. It's been even longer since I've played the other Suikoden games, but I still picked up on a lot of references and characters and I thought they did a good job of incorporating many of them into this game. A lot of the stars are given their own moments to shine and quite a few were pretty vital to the plot. They don't all get moments and they aren't all handled well, but I thought V did as good a job as possible in that regard.One of my complaints is that the towns in this game feel lifeless. The world and characters are so vibrant, but the locations are not up to the same level.

Sol-Falena is just the same white stone walkways in between huge empty areas with everything spread out so far for no reason. All the NPCs in the towns are static and don't move (outside of maybe one or two random guards). Raftfleet is a confusing mess made worse by forcing you to change screens half a dozen times to get to where you need to go, which really gets old fast once you are lost.

I love the idea of Raftfleet but it was frustrating to deal with as it was implemented in-game, even when I finally figured out where everything was. Haud looks like one big children's play area. Lordlake has to be one of my favorite locations just because of the story behind it and seeing your action's bring life back to it. Yashuna actually felt unique with the hot springs and is probably one of the better areas in the game. The towns get a little better near the end but are still mostly the same. The giant bridge in Port Spinacks sucks.The best part of the game for me was when Miakis joins back up and reveals her truth about Georg. Then Galleon later returns to tell you the rest of the story.

That cutscene with Arshtat and Ferid was incredible. When she uses the Sun Rune to stop her husband from being shot at and then it starts taking her over was done very well. She didn't intend to use it from the beginning but wanting to save Ferid ending up dooming them both. Georg is forced to do what him and Ferid had discussed as a possibility, which is quite the burden for someone to not only do but then to live with.


The end of the game wasn't nearly as strong in my opinion. There's not much to really say about it I think, it was pretty standard. I did collect all 108 stars and liked the 'spirits' of his parents at the end and the revival of Lyon, but it was odd to see Gizel and Marscal smiling down upon the Prince even though they were so obviously evil and against him the whole time.Combat was basic Suikoden, nothing to really say there. I enjoyed the different formations and thought it was cool the different ways party members could be arranged, especially mid-battle. There are some really overpowered characters and Rune combinations but the game is fairly easy so I just played with who I liked and tried avoiding the Zerases and Richards of the game whenever possible.

Splitting into three different parties is always fun and it's nice to give some other characters attention in that way who would otherwise get none: I wish there was more of that kind of thing for longer periods of time instead of the two times it happened. War battles were fun but easy for the most part, especially when an objective is just to get the Prince to the city - it's much too simple to just draw the enemy troops away and rush it down with the Dawn Rune. Having all the stars really allows you to outfit your units with an almost unlimited supply of charges or barrages and maybe if I wasn't trying to recruit everyone and just rush to the end it would be more difficult.Overall I really enjoyed this game and I think for now it's at the top of my list for Suikoden games. I've decided that I'm going to replay through all the main games this year and I'm really interested to see what my ranking will look like after revisiting each of them. I think I'll do a review like this for the games after I finish replaying each one. Since I started with V, I suppose I should continue chronologically and play the first one next (I'll play IV whenever to mix things up since it's so far removed from the timeline). Once I have them all finished I'll rank them and do an overarching review.Let me know if you agree or disagree with me on Suikoden V.

What characters or locations did you like? What were your favorite parts of the story? I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts. SPOILER. I have to agree with you on the villains.They are great in the beginning. The game builds up this history with Gizel and Sialeeds and House Godwin and the Royal Family. Salum Barows is great too up until you get the Dawn Rune and its interesting playing that he's kind of on your side and you need him for now, but really he is just looking out for himself.

Near the middle to end of the game the Godwins just become your standard RPG villains and there really isn't much more to it than that.It's a weak point of the game for sure, but all the other parts make up for this deficiency for me. I feel like I’m alone in enjoying the first section of the game. Glad you agree. The world building and setup is excellent and fully drew me into the storyline, characters and conflict.The scene with Arshat and Ferid truly stuck with me. The fact that you are left in the dark to what exactly happened until much later made it so impactful to see what they went through.Suikoden is tied with S3 for second best in the series, but I had to absolutely choose I think I would say S5 deserves the spot. The slow burn of the beginning really helps to hammer home all the things that are to happen later and fully immerses you in that world. If I was someone who replayed this game often I might get tired of it, but after waiting so much time between my last playthrough I was really thankful for the start.For now I think I have to say V is my favorite also, but it's been even longer since I've played the other games so that might just be because it's fresh in my mind.

I'm really curious how they'll all stand up after so long. Lol at your downvotes wtf it’s an opinion people. Yeah thats pretty much same as my rating with 1 and 5 being swappable.I’ve noticed that the fans who didn’t play the first game first usually don’t hold it in very high regard, while those who were introduced to the series through 4 or 5 tend to hail them as their favourite.I get it, it’s hard going backwards. I am aware that I have a lot of nostalgia for the original game it probably would be harder to appreciate if I had played it after the other games. I thought it had the most fun gameplay, with the entourage, and the skills and skill points.

I liked how the army battles were Real Time Strategy, though its funny how the cavalry is weak to archers and not the other way around.I guess I can understand how the towns feel a little 'lifeless', but they also seemed the biggest, and felt the most like real towns, relative lack of people aside.Yeah, the ending was strange with spirits of some of the antagonists cheering you on. I think its because most of the Godwin faction did truly want to improve Falena but had horrible ways of going about it. Salum Barrows was just a greedy opportunist, and Dolph and Childrech were just sadists.