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The Sims 3 World Adventures Deep Within The Forbidden City

суббота 25 апреля admin 46
The Sims 3 World Adventures Deep Within The Forbidden City 5,0/5 5272 reviews

Page 1Copywrite ExtremePhobia (Brandon Fusco) 2010 -IntroductionBefore I actually Introduce the guide itself, I'd like to ask you to give meyour feedback. Unfortunately, even after over 100,000 hits on my guides Ican still count the amount of feedback I've gotten on two hands. I'm stillpretty new at this and I want my guides to be helpful so I would reallyappreciate any feedback, good or bad, about my guide.With that out of the way, welcome to my guide for the Sims 3: World Adventure.If you are having any trouble with the game, I hope that this guide helps.NOTE ON FINDING THINGS:Aside from the Table of Contents below, you should be able to use the searchfunction to find most specific things. For instance, if you needed help withthe Tomb of Discovery then, hopefully, you should be able to hit ctrl+F andtype in 'Tomb of Discovery' minus the quotes to find it.

I tried to copy asmuch in game text down as exactly as I could so you can search for stringsof text in the guide to find what you're looking for. Otherwise you'd neverfind anything in here.Table of Contents-A. Before you Travel.xxTravelxxB. Before you Raid Tombs.xxTombsxxC. New Traits.xxTraitxxD. New Lifetime Wishes.xxWishxxE. New Skills.xxSkillxxF.

The Dragon's Maw (3) - This impressive landmark overlooks the forbidden city. On a regular basis, it breathes its fog-like smoke out of its mouth and on a night, its eyes glow an eerie red. For the intrepid adventurer, there are many secrets to be found by adventuring deep inside its jaws.

Types of Adventures.xxTypesxxH. Contact Information.xxContactxxL. Version History.xxHistxxBefore you Travel xxTravelxxHere's what you need to know about travelling.

It costs money to travel andyou can only stay for a few days. Once you come back from your vacation it willtake some time to recover before you can travel again. At first you'll onlybe able to travel for three days at a time. Eventually you'll be able to stayfor as long as 15 days.To do this, you need to collect Visa Points. To do this, you need to go onadventures.

When you are dropped in a different country, you'll find yourselfat a camp and there will be an adventure board right next to you. You can usethis to find and start Adventures. Sometimes you'll get one and run a quickerrand for someone with the simple reward of a few Visa Points, some cash, andmaybe some Ancient Coins (more on that later).

Other times you'll get the firstadventure in chain. Either way, keep doing these and you'll get Visa Points.There are three ranks of Visa to gain (you start at zero). Get to three and youcan buy a vacation home and stay longer.

You will even be able to buy a specialcertificate with Ancient Coins that allows you to stay even longer (but onlyup to 15 days).Ancient Coins are a special form of currency accepted by only three vendors inthe game. You can trade Ancient coins for certain special items like a Skeletonkey or Mummy snacks. The two main ways of collecting Ancient Coins is by goingon Adventures and finding them in tombs.

Sometimes you won't be able to buyitems with your coins right away, even if you have enough coins. Sometimes, forthe best items, you have to get your Visa rank up with Visa Points first.Remember that you don't age when travelling so you can go to your vacation homeand work on improving skills, build a large garden, or make money usingskills like your writing.Before you Raid Tombs xxTombsxxBefore you start wandering into tombs, the best way to explore them is to doso while doing an adventure. Usually you'll find an adventure that willeventually lead you to a tomb.

The people who gave you the adventure willlikely assist you by giving you keystones to open doors and giving you anextra reward for finishing a tomb. Almost every tomb in China and France andmost of the tombs in Egypt are all connected to an Adventure chain. So try andsit tight.Now, before you go into a tomb, you need to be well prepared. You need to buysupplies.

In many ways, it's like the Japanese thematic equivalent of American RPGs like Wasteland and its spiritual successor Fallout.Graphically, Megami Tensei II is far better than the original, although the color choices in some of the dungeons are a bit questionable (your shelter is an eye-punching green), but there's a greater variety in the graphics, with more detailed backgrounds and enemies. Soon enough, your shelter is invaded by monsters, and it's up to you, your friend, and whatever allies to can recruit, to venture to the outside world and try to save the wreckage of humanity. Shin megami tensei if. When you beat the first boss, the demon Pazs greets you, grants you with the ability to control demons, and warns of a menace.

There will be a vendor in town who sells all sorts of useful campingequipment. You should never leave to go tomb raiding without a good supply ofdried foods, a few Shower in a Cans, and a tent. Without these things, you'llhave to leave a tomb to eat, sleep, and not gross yourself out.Inside of tombs there are a few things that you will see often and should befamiliar with.

Perhaps the most import are the special tiles. There are twospecial tiles. One will have feet on it which means you need to stand on itto activate it and there are tiles with gears on them which mean that you canstand on them but you should probably use a statue instead because the tileneeds to be held down. Always be on the look out for these because they willusually reveal important things like more tiles, stairs, and doors.There are occassionally holes in the walls and floors. If you see just a singlehole then you can stick your hand in it and perhaps you'll hit a switch or findan important item.

Keep an eye out because these can be hard to spot sometimes.Sometimes you'll see multiple holes in a group on the wall or floor. This meansthat it's a trap.

Traps can either be disarmed by tinkering with them, crossedwith bravery, or deactivated by using a switch or statue. Sometimes you won'tsee the traps and they'll just pop up as you walk over them.

Sometimes youwon't see the trap but you'll see an oddly colored tile that you can inspect.There will be certain parts of walls that are fake and can be pushed open.Sometimes these sections will be oddly colored and sometimes you won't be ableto see them unless you put your cursor over them and it changes. Sometimesyou open these by 'inspecting' the wall and pushing it open and sometimes youopen them with switches and tiles.Most statues can't be moved but one particular style of statue can be.

You'llfind out really early what kind of statue can be moved. It doesn't mean thatevery statue of that type can be moved but most can be. These statues areusually used for activating tiles but if you push them over traps, they canalso disarm the traps as well. If you move your cursor around the edges of thestatue, you can change the angle that you approach the statue from and thuschange how you move it.Keep an eye out for treasure. You'll see it all over the place, including bothin chests and on the floor.

Check every where. In particular, keep your eyespeeled for Relics. These things are usually worth a decent amount of moneyand sometimes they are worth part of a set which is worth even more money.In some cases you'll even get parts to a whole and be able to build somethinglike a sarcophagus.There are different types of Keystones which usually are used to open doorsbut on occassion open chests or disarm traps. Keep your eye open for these.The last thing to watch out for are Mummies.

These guys are really tough andeven with maxed out Martial Arts you might not defeat them. This guys willappear if you look in their coffins or are stealing treasure nearby. They willwander around until they attack you and then they will either die in the fightor beat you and then shamble off back to their coffin.New Traits xxTraitxx-AdventurousAdventurous Sims enjoy traveling and exploration more than other Sims, areable to go on new trips sooner, and improve their Visa levels more quickly.Gains a +10 Moodlet for going to a new place.Doesn't have to wait as long to travel again.-DisciplinedDisplined Sims do not fool around.

Since its inception back in the early two thousands, The Sims has been one of “those” games; the kind that a player will either love or hate, irrespective of their usual gaming habits. Now in its 3rd incarnation with over a dozen add-on packs and 19 full expansion packs, The Sims remains one of the best selling games of the last decade.

The Sims 3 has been out for little over six months and already this past December the first of probably many, many expansions was on retail shelves.

World Adventures is the right kind of expansion. Instead of simply being a glorified content pack that EA normally mass produce and call a Sims Expansion, World Adventures introduces new game mechanics to the tried and tested Sims sandbox. Sims can now visit 3 new and exciting locations, each based loosely on real world location. There is the sandy Al Simhare Egypt, the mystical oriental Shang Simla China, or the romantic Champs Les Sims France.

There are actually very few items added to the existing catalogue. Basically a toilet, a bed and dresser, a fortune cookie machine and a martial arts training dummy. Another Sims IKEA pack this is not.

It also allows players to build a basement into their Sim’s houses, where they can practice their nectar making or become vault dwellers. Some new skills such as Martial Arts, Photography and Nectar [read wine] making are added to the mix. World Adventure also adds 3 new traits and 9 new lifetime rewards to help better prepare the player’s Sim for the adventures that lay ahead.

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The main selling point of World Adventures is that it allows Sims to go on, well, adventures. Once the player’s Sim arrives in the location of their choosing, an Adventure Board greets the player. From here the player can look for an adventure consisting of one of 3 types of mission, exploring a tomb to find an item, collecting items scattered around the town map and talking to local Sims about a specific topic. Once accepted the Sim can set off on his/her/their adventure.

When exploring one of the many tombs, the new gameplay mechanics kicks in and the game changes from sandbox playpen to casual adventure game where pressure plates must be stood upon, statues must be moved and walls inspected to reveal hidden passages. To discuss the specific topic with local Sims they will need to be befriended before they are willing to spill the beans. Collecting items on the map will have the Sim rushing across town , collecting the items which appear with big icon’s on the Town Map.

It is right here where the Sims World Adventures will lose many of the more serious gamers. The “puzzles” are painfully easy, and the design and layout of the tombs are samey and minimalist at best. Since the adventure mechanics are designed within the confines of the Sims engine, the traps, loot and switches are fairly easy to spot. Discussing something with another Sim is a trial and error affair, while item collection requires no input from the player other than clicking the big blue icon highlighting it on the town map. Micro managing your Sim’s action, while on one of these adventures will also mean pausing often to stop the Sim’s mind, or the Sim him[her]self, from wandering while the player looks for the next wall to inspect, rock to pick up or dialog option to choose.

The expansion also brings texture pop-ups to the game; something our original version of Sims 3 never had.

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What is wrong with World Adventures is also what is right with it. Though simplistic in design and layout, the tombs offers fun puzzles that are easy enough for younger or less experiences players, while still providing a challenge. The tombs also all have a distinct start with a reward at the end, so there is no “Sorry Mario, the Princess is in another castle” here.
Rewards vary from ancient relics, which can be sold for Simoleans or displayed in the player’s house, to ancient coins which can be used to purchase special adventure gear; such as skeleton keystones or high quality adventure snacks. Exion hill racing android 1. Similarly, finally catching that sacred fire beetle for your Sim’s bug collection brings its own reward. And talking to other Sims can lead to interesting new friendship and even romances.

The 3 different types of missions, while a bit over used offers variety whether the player is exploring a tombs for ancient relics, catching sacred bugs or befriending the locals to convince them to let the player explore their basement for a long lost item. There is enough to do to keep followers of the series busy for days, even weeks.

Each of the 3 destinations feels distinctly different, from the Forbidden City inspired Shang Simla market to the Al Simhare pyramids and Champs Les Sims Nectary. Although the roads are not as well laid out as in the home towns, this adds a different feel to the locations, especially Egypt and China, making them feel more rugged. Each location also sounds the part, with Champs Les Sims having that stereotypical French tune playing and Shang Simla its own oriental chime.

Each of the 3 holiday destination are by no means small with more than enough sights to see and locations to visit, even when returning for the fourth or fifth time in order to get your visa level up.


All in all, The Sims 3 World Adventures is a worthy addition to the collection of fans of the series, adding not just new items but also taking the brave steps in trying to change the gameplay a little bit. Though marred by texture pop ups and ghastly load times this is not enough to break the game.

Also, the visa system can become a bit of a problem considering adventuring is the only way to get the visa level up, which, in turn lets Sims visit locations for longer durations. This means the player will spend a good few hours in each of the locations, forced to adventure before being able to visit just to see the sights, which breaks The Sims mantra of “do what you want when you want”.

It would have been nice to see the designers try keeping the adventures truer to the location being imitated. Going tomb raiding in France is less convincing than tomb raiding in Egypt. Maybe in future we will see adventures routed much more firmly in the location, rather than sticking to the same all round.

This is one for the fans however, and if you didn’t like The Sims before then World Adventure won’t change that fact. However for fans of the series, if you haven’t picked it up already now is as good a time as any.

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