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God Hand Gameplay

суббота 25 апреля admin 56
God Hand Gameplay 3,5/5 1021 reviews

Gene (ジーン Jīn) is the main protagonist and playable character of God Hand. A twenty-three year old dusty rambler, Gene lost his right arm during an attempt to save a helpless woman from a group of thugs revealing themselves as demons.

Made by the folks at Clover Studios, God Hand is a truly amazing PlayStation 2 game. It is one of the last truly great games to be released on the console and I would go as far as to say it is one of the most underrated games that Capcom has ever published.

East Meets West

I love the story that God Hand tells and the fact it is not taking itself seriously is one of the main reasons that I love it. You are a martial arts master who gets to use the divine weapon known as The God Hand. The story is very tongue in cheek and I really like how it mixes both Eastern and Western cultures very well. The story is not the most in-depth you will come across, but it is fun and has some great characters along the way.



I have long been a fan of beat-em-up games and God Hand is one of the best. It is probably the best of all the 3D beat-em-ups I have ever played actually. The game is very combat heavy and that is really all there is to it. Thankfully the combat system in the game is a ton of fun. You can dish out these epic combos and set up the buttons to your liking. It sounds like it would be mindless, but it is far from it.This is a very challenging game and while it may sound like a button masher. Coin dozer casino game. God Hand forces you to not just get good, but get good fast. The enemies will kick your butt until you figure out the right way to take them all down. I like the difficulty, but I am sure for some it may seem a little off-putting.

Looks And Sounds

The story does not take itself too seriously as I said and this is evident in those fantastic cut scenes. Clover Studios did a phenomenal job in the looks department. This is a very late title in the life of the PlayStation 2 and in all honesty, I would not say it is the best-looking game on the console, but by this point, Clover did the best they could with the visuals. The soundtrack is epic, the game has a fun theme song and all of the thuds, pounds, and screams fit the action perfectly. It has a rocking soundtrack when you are fighting and in all the overall presentation of the game is something that is very well done.

God Hand is a game that I have played through multiple times. It is one of those games that is just ideal to fire up and play through when you have nothing else to play and you want to plow through something that is fun. While the game can be difficult, I find this part of the fun as it forces you to learn new combos and moves which will let you kick even more butt. A truly hidden gem for the PlayStation 2!



  • The story is crazy and fun
  • The fighting is some of the best on the PS2
  • Some of the combos you can do are insane
  • It is way more challenging than you would think
  • It looks and sounds great


  • Some might find the difficulty off-putting
  • Why has this not had a whole bunch of sequels???
Overall rating: 8.5

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If you have any questions related to the pricing and/or discount offered in a particular listing, please contact the seller for that listing. Product Information. Experience the power of a deity while playing God Hand for Sony PlayStation 2.

In this game you play as Gene, a person who receives a deified hand with great power after he loses his own. Battle against demons and monsters who want the arm for their own use in a beat-em-up style fashion in a Western setting. After battling through these demons, rescue a girl Olivia who helps to collect powerups for the arm.

Create your own devastating combos to deal with enemies in your preferred fashion. Purchase new moves in shops, and practice them on unsuspecting surroundings, such as benches and roofs.

God Handi decided to buy God hand because its one of the few PS2 games that are left to buy before you either go into the next generation of consoles and gaming or one get ready to be introduced to the new systems and games. With this game i would say ps2 has come out with something original again. Capcom had a hand in it and that what was also a decision in me buying it. I read the reviews and some were on target and some were off target. I like God hand because even though it borrows from resident evil, final fight, devil may cry and fist of the north star its the best of all those worlds.the only dislike i have about this game is that some of the level designs are sorta bland and the difficulty level even on normal the game shifts to how good you are or aren't.

Part maker clover studios i s from what i understanding closing its doors and maybe they shouldn't because this game has the all the workings of a franchise in the works. I hope they bring this to the new ps3 for a hopeful franchise. If your reading this capcom/clover. Make this happen. Not too many people dislike this game and its so original in alot of sense that there could be a huge franchise based off of it like devil may cry and resident evil.what i like about the game- the graphics aren't next gen but the gameplay is different and not so hard to get used to.

Use your environment to unleash pain on your enemies. Its a very challenging game when you get the bosses and even the non bosses are also somewhat difficult. There are no cheats in this game so you have to use wit and strategy to win. The moves haven't been seen in a game since a not so well known fist of the northstar game that was out that not alot of people may have known about.the price is good also and the game is almost resident evil long. At least res part 1 or even 2 length.

Expect to fight alot of enemies and sometimes at once. Don't sell all your moves to get money because believe me your gonna want to keep most of them. I hope this help someone. Its all about passing on information that would be useful to someone else.

SWEET!!!!That word (sweet) constantly comes too my mind when I play this game. I have not had this much fun playing a game in a long time. Just so you know though this game is not perfect that's why I gave it a 4 instead of a 5 though I really would like too give it a 5, you have no control over the camera as it is constantly set behind you so this of course can make knowing where some enemies are located at a royal pain and it also leads too a lot of seeing through walls and walls disapearing however this also puts you right in the fighting and man is the fighting awsome. You have an insane amount of attacks at your disposal and the fighting is constantly over the top as you can send enemies flying with some major blows also whenever you stun an enemy a God of War, RE4 type moment happens where wi th the quick and rapid push of a button you can lay a serious smack down on your opponent either by pummeling them with rapid kicks or punches stomping them into the ground kneeing them in the face suplexing them and my personal favorite the female fighters can be placed over your knee and spanked like the bad girls they are, man is it awsome. The boss fights are also great especialy one against a group of midget mighty morphin power ranger wanabees. In case you couldn't tell from all of that the story is also hilarious and totaly wacked out. This game probably wont be for every one, you could play it and think it is the worst thing ever but I personally love it and highly recommend giving it a shot if you love good challenging brawlers.

A return of a classic genre!After playing nothing but RPGs and Shadow of the Colossus (great game by the way!) for several months, I'd begun to get a bit tired of games. Much as I loved them, they were tedious, and easy to get stuck.Then, a friend of mine gave me God Hand as a birthday gift. Having enjoyed other Capcom and Clover games, I was excited to try this one.Simply put, this game reminded me why I started playing video games in the first place. The thrill and joy of pounding a few idiotic thugs into the dirt is a great thing.But it doesn't stop there. The technique system is great. You can switch out your moves, chaining combos for power or speed. And if you get your enemy off balance, you can go for some real damage.

Stomping on them, knees to the head, cobra twists, and even spanking are fair play.T hen there's the extra bits, the God Hand and the Roulette. The God Hand is basically a limited invincibility/powerup you can activate when you've thrown enough punches. Nothing too special there. But the Roulette is great.

Basically, you have to save up points (anywhere from 1 to 3) which can be gained by roulette cards. Once you have enough, you can activate the roulette and pick a special move to deal out heavy damage. Some are powerful, some entertaining, all are different.Now, onto the rest of the game. Plot is thin and characters only slightly deeper, but the surface is still entertaining. You fight enemies ranging from a generic thug, or a dominatrix with a whip, to various demons including a fat Mexican named Elvis. The soundtrack is cheesy and fits perfectly, having a surf rock feel to it. The main characters have entertaining interactions, complete with bad dialogue.

The graphics are serious, though. Absolutely beautiful.Basically, if you love beat-em-up games, and don't need a plot or fancy levels to help enjoy it, or if you just want to beat down some gay men in cabaret costumes, this game is for you. Incredibly fun?Yep.Godhand is a fairly unique 3D beat-em-up in the style of the old 3/4 view 2D beat-em-ups of yore - Streets of Rage being a prime example.Has stylishness galore, interesting self-adjusting difficulty, and a Fist of the North Star(Hokuto no Ken)-inspired fighting system, down to the mohawked thugs and the stylish shoulder pads and over-the-top villans and insanely fast and fantastical fighting. Perhaps most impressive of all is how it rewards skillful gameplay and fast reactions nearly simultaneously while still leaving you with just a little bit of your lifebar left after each level or sub-level/area - without making the struggle feel futile.The main issues would be the typical ones of 3D games, camera control, occasional graphical issues where the camera 'passes through' environm ental objects such as walls, and a rather arbitrary lock-on system. Also, the difficulty level can be wildy inconsistent, sometimes normal enemies are more dangerous than the earlier bosses, simply due to circumstances (and, again, the self-adjusting difficulty).