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Airmech Strike Strategy

суббота 18 апреля admin 41
Airmech Strike Strategy 4,2/5 7382 reviews

Contents General Tips. You can do decent damage to the enemy fort using just your AirMech shooting the corners. You can use islands to store infantry on maps like Fortresses are NOT damaged by Area of Effect Attacks. Defensive infantry spam is one of the most efficient ways to keep an outpost.

What is AirMech Strike? AirMech Strike is fast paced Action RTS that can be played like Dota or Starcraft-you can battle on the ground or command from the skies! PvP in 1v1 or 2v2 with an army you build to fight alongside you. Command from above, dogfight with other players, or wreck things on the ground in mech mode. AirMech® Arena is a free-to-play, highly competitive fast-paced real-time strategy game, where players use versatile AirMechs to amass combat forces and destroy enemy fortresses. In the future, the last survivors of the Great War continue their fight with the ultimate war machine: the AirMech®.

Just keep building infantry and dropping them at the outpost that is being attacked. Remember that if the enemy takes the outpost they can pull units out of their build queue and fortify the outpost while depriving you of that advantage, so be sure not to let that happen. Naturally this doesn't work for tank pushes or masses of units (unless you have brutes in the fort and bunkered, which no one does).

Placing mines on creep paths that run near other expensive units is a good way to get rid of clumped units. When you're AirMech hunting, carry seekers with you for backup. When you're building units, don't wait for them to finish (Go out and harass and kill enemy tanks, creeps, money makers, etc.). To quote the Zerg from Starcraft:'Evolve, change, and survive.

Stand still and die.' (awesome accent not included). If you buy abilities don't forget to use them. Try to put your enemy in lose-lose situations.

Put down tanks rolling from one side and start capping outposts from the other. Watch the minimap as much as possible. The minimap is your friend. If you watch it, you will never be surprised by a tank column knocking down your front door or those pesky ninja drops.

Put HAATs and other AA behind trees. When you're going fast can't see them all that well.

Use unique drop positions - Platforms on Nesthorn, round the sides on Twin Peaks, on top of the bunkers on Simple or on the platforms on Thar for attacking units to circumvent defenses. Spread and hide artillery to break defenses, don't mass it. As it will be easier for bombers to destroy it all at once. Tanks take 2X damage when attacked from the rear. When near your team's Fortress, do n't waste time building infantry, just take the creeps.

Remember that creeps are free.Combat Tips. When you chase someone and they land, land in the direction you think they will go next if they take off again to put you in a better chasing position. When piloting Helix, your missiles will seek out grounded Airmechs. Use them instead of landing to fight other Airmechs. Jump in front of teammates that are low on health. Auto-fire will target you while your teammate gets away.

Rushing in and capping the enemy's close outpost (i.e. Nearest outpost to enemy's main base), and then fortifying it, gives you an immense advantage over your opponent when they realize they can't take it back. Sometimes when sniping it's better to stand still so you only hit one unit at a time, so that only one HAAT ends up shooting you instead of the entire group of five. When you get caught ferrying units in enemy territory and you can't make it back to your post back in time, drop the units and run. Always better to lose the units than to lose both your mech and the units especially if your unit can kill something before it dies. Use yourself to distract T99s so your units can kill them without dying.

T99 missiles follow different rules than most projectiles or missiles, they shoot up first, and then towards their target. They are not stopped by cliffs or objects, unlike seekers or HAATs. You can block enemy units from attacking your fortress by placing units in front of them, this way they will attack the units and not your fortress shield. Heal damaged units by carrying them and hovering over an outpost (grey smoking units have lost half of their health, black smoking ones lost almost three-fourth of its health).

Try to capture as many posts as possible. Don't just spam multiple tanks at one base, thinking that the enemy will continuously try to capture it, just leave 3 or 4 tanks there and go off to capture another base, preferably many at a time. A good 'quick death' tactic is the Tank Train/Rush, frequently used by all different types of players, in which you capture an important base, (such as the middle base of the map,'Dust', or a base relatively close to your enemy's fortress), and then building large amounts of (Name of tank here) in front of the base to seal off the capture positions. The Longhorns would then act as a defense while you build more tanks. Build enough tanks that you think will be suitable to breach your enemy's defenses (10-15 should do), and then set them all to 'Attack Base', and they will all do so. The tanks paths will cause them to all go in the same direction, (depending on the spot you place the tank), and should create a sort-of train-like death.Teamwork Tips General. Don't wait till your teammate asks for help, go ahead and help him.

If you see a shiny tag with a teammates name on it, then it is a teammate asking for help, if you aren't doing anything important then go there (To make one for yourself press Z, if you want to place a marker, double press Z). If a teammate asks you to build a unit it's nice to do it, and would probably help with his plan. A teammate often also asks for a speciality unit that they do not have in their loadout but you do(eg:artillery for mid fights, jammer for secret unit clusters.). Build just what you need, if a unit is not anymore useful recycle it (hold space-bar over an outpost/fortress) it's always nice essential (with the new upkeep system) to have extra upkeep and credits.

Try to avoid having similar units in your team's loadout, especially socket units like //. You can share your units. It's not YOUR unit. It's the TEAM's unit, don't freak out if your teammates are messing with your unit, most of the time its for the benefit of the whole team(unless you really need the unit for some obscure strategy). Two people can capture an outpost better than one, don't solo. Put! Before your message for it to be visible only to teammates, or change your game settings to default to team chat.

Don't leave at the beginning of a match or you'll put your teammates at a big disadvantage. Don't leave when the game is going to end soon, you still get kudos and experience even if you lose, and your elo drops more if you quit than if you lose. Try to cover your teammate from a missile cloud when he comes back to heal over the outpost. Healing isn't instant when they fly over the outpost, and your teammate would probably die to the massive damage.

When rushing, send two rushes at different outposts. This splits the enemy's attention and increases your level of success. You can split with your teammate, him supporting the first rush and you supporting the second. Pay attention to the radar, if you guess what your teammate is doing, you can work more efficiently, and help him as well.CTF-Specific.

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Try to go for the core at the same time with your mate, the one who didn't get the core can be a meat shield for the other, this is very helpful. It doesn't matter how many times you grab the core, you have to bring it to your base to score, so don't go alone, or you will be chased down and defeated.

AirMech is fast paced Action RTS that can be played like Dota or Starcraft--you can battle on the ground or command from the skies! Practice solo, or jump into coop or even pvp modes. 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 plus the army you build to fight alongside you. Either command from above, dogfight with other players, or wreck things on the ground in mech mode. Level up ingame similar to Dota style games, build your army as if you were playing an RTS, or anything in between! Team play means every player can play a role while still helping their side win.
In the future, the last survivors of the Great War continue their fight with the ultimate war machine: the . Created using lost technology, Pilots have found, salvaged, or stolen AirMechs that they use to protect the weak, or to pillage. Which side do you fight for?
is a fast paced Action-RTS game that can be played online competitively or cooperatively. Earn Kudos and Experience in battle and unlock a wide collection of AirMechs, Pilots, Units and Items to customize your army to suit your own strategy.