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Hotline Miami 2 Levels

воскресенье 08 марта admin 21
Hotline Miami 2 Levels 3,7/5 1710 reviews

The results that you receive at the end of each mission is calculated, basing on several factors. First of all- kills. This value is determined by the number of opponents at each stage. It is constant and it cannot be changed, considering the fact that, either way, you need to kill all of the opponents, to complete the mission.

Some of the missions allow you to spare several opponents, but it is unproductive, from the perspective of scoring. This category includes everything, ranging from kills with melee weapons, through killing with firearms, finishing off the unconscious. It is important that killing a knocked down opponent is more valuable than killing with melee weapon. The difference is 200 points, but with a high number of kills, this may make a difference for the overall score.The second value is combo, and it reflects how many opponents you managed to kill within short intervals.

The higher the multiplier in the upper-left corner of the screen, the higher the combo bonus. The later into the game, the higher the chance of obtaining a high multiplier, but you need to approach this with care. Combo is easy to lose, by accident, which makes you replay the mission and decreases the number of points available from the time bonus. The easiest way to bring up the multiplier is to use weapons that wound multiple opponents, at a time, i.e. All melee weapons and the shotgun. Machine guns and pistols are more troublesome, because they shoot in a straight line, more or less, whereas the shotgun has a wider spread. With shotgun, you can kill three opponents, side-by-side, whereas there may be problems with that, using the pistol.Flexibility means the versatility of armaments.

The more frequently you switch your weapons, the higher this value. This is especially important in the case of firearms, which depletes ammo sooner or later; as well as from the perspective of the characters that use no firearms and fight bare-handed. In such a case, the special value goes up.Mobility determines how mobile you were. To gain as many points as possible, you need to restrict moments of taking a breath, to a minimum and keep moving around the map.

It would be best if you combined movement with elimination of enemies.Boldness means stunning with doors, throwables, and exposing yourself to enemy fire. The higher the risk that you take, the more points you receive. For example, you can stun and finish off an opponent when another opponent is running towards you and, after you are done, kill him also. You can start the shooting while dashing towards the enemies and finish them off while under enemy fire.

Just all three levels with an edit at the end to flow into the title screen so it feels like a prologue. The location shown on the last cutscene and the title screen are completely different, just. Mar 10, 2015  Hotline Miami 2’s style is a smooth continuation of the first game. It moves the setting ahead into the grungy ‘90s, but also occasionally whips us back to the mid-’80s in.

Also, you can dash towards the enemy, shoot two of them, stun the third with the pistol that you throw and finish him off, while the rest are darting towards you. Each of these situation is highly risky and it may end in your death and, what follows, it is more valuable from the score perspective.Time bonus determines if you have completed the mission fast enough. The game calculates the combined time that you have spent completing a mission, from the beginning, until you kill the last opponent (after you do, the timer stops). On this basis, it is determined if you earned the bonus. Each replay of the mission decreases the bonus, which in extreme situations amounts to zero.Special depends on the character that you played as.

For example, for Corey, his value is 8000, whereas for Tony - 22000. The more restricted the capabilities of a character, or the more difficult it is to play with that character, the higher the value.Theoretically, to obtain the S rank, you should stay on the move the whole mission, fight shooters on close distances, stun the enemies using doors and throwing items and change weapons as frequently as you can. Moreover, you have to maintain a high combo and complete the mission in as little trials as possible. Practically, the only condition is to obtain the highest combo that you can.

This way, you can obtain the S rank even if you finished the mission in 40 minutes using only one weapon. You can also try to work on mobility and flexibility, but it is not necessary.

The only thing that you have to focus on is to obtain a very high combo in every location in a mission - during the early levels, you have to have 10 and during later chapters - 20 or more. If you achieve a high combo in two locations in a mission and you won't do it in the third one, there is a chance that you will 'only' obtain A+ instead of S. Low combo earns less points, which makes one high combo (20) better then ten low combos (2).To obtain a high combo, you have to get to know the location well - it's rooms, placement of the enemies, their weapons and so on. Next, you have to plan the way in which you're going to complete it, select the order of eliminating the opponents, picking up weapons and dealing with patrols. Therefore, a good tactic is to complete every mission three times.

The first time is to progress in the campaign, the second to get to know the locations and the third time to achieve a high rank. Usually, three trials is enough to obtain at least A.Knowing every mission well will allow you to choose which enemy to kill as the last one and when to progress to the next location. The value of your combo is retained when changing locations, as long as you do it in a given amount of time. It means that with a bit of skill, you can finish every missions with a combo of 100 or more, which will give you not only the S rank, but also thousands, or even millions of points. Thus, it is good to plan every location in such way so that the last enemy in your combo stands near the exit.

You may have little time to kill the first enemy after entering the next location, but most of them are built in such way that you should be able to do that. Moreover, the combo value doesn't resets when dying in a new location, so you can enter it a few times and get to know it to later focus on increasing your combo.All the tips described above apply to playing on the high level of difficulty, with two changes.

Firstly, every map gets turned around. Secondly, the placement of enemies is completely different. This means that if you want to achieve a high score, you have to plan every mission again.

. WW: 7 April 2020Mode(s)Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a co-developed by and Abstraction Games, and published. It takes place before and after the events of its predecessor, as it focuses on the backstory and aftermath of the previous protagonist, Jacket, slaying parts of the at the behest of anonymous voices leaving mysterious messages on his.The game was first released worldwide for, on 10 March 2015. It then saw its release for, and on 10 March 2015 in North America, on 11 March 2015 in Europe, and on 25 June 2015 in Japan. An port was released on 4 August 2015.

A version was released in August 2019 alongside the first game as part of the Hotline Miami Collection. Later, Hotline Miami Collection was also ported to on 7 April 2020. Contents.Gameplay of Wrong Number plays the same to that of its predecessor. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number features a new hard mode, unlocked after completing the Normal story.

In Hard mode, enemies are more difficult to take down and some abilities are taken away from the player, such as 'enemy-locking'.Thirteen characters are playable as opposed to just Jacket and Biker in the first game; each with their own interpretations as the story unfolds. The masks mechanic is again featured with some masks making a return, while new masks offer new abilities and play styles.

Each character has their own special abilities or perks; Corey can do a roll and dive under enemy gunfire, Mark can dual wield two sub-machines guns and can spread his arms to shoot in opposite directions simultaneously, Tony's fists kill all regular enemies in one blow and knock down heavy enemies for quick ground kills, and Alex and Ash are controlled by the player simultaneously, using a chainsaw and an assortment of guns respectively. A different character or group of characters is available at the start of each level, each chapter telling part of the story from that character's perspective.A level editor was added after the game's release, which let users create original stories through dialogue crafting. The editor was originally planned for a spring 2015 release, but was postponed, eventually going live on 22 June 2016. Plot Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number takes place in a heavily anachronistic order before and after the events of the original, focusing more on the latter between October and December 1991.

During the events of Hotline Miami, the player's character, 'Jacket,' is unwittingly manipulated into killing off the leadership of the Russian Mob by 50 Blessings, a neo-nationalist terror cell that masquerades as a peaceful activist group. The persona of 'Richard', a mysterious figure in a rooster mask that occasionally appeared to Jacket in the original game, appears at different points to most of the game's playable characters.

The player controls these individuals in a series of intersecting plotlines exploring both the background and the aftermath of Jacket's rampage.After his rampage, Jacket has been arrested and brought to trial. He has gained national notoriety as a result of his macabre and horrific mass murders, committed while wearing rubber animal masks; the game's tutorial level takes place in a slasher film adaptation depicting him as 'The Pig Butcher', in which his rescue of a drug-addled sex slave during the first game is re-envisioned as a lurid rape and kidnapping scene. The film's star, Martin Brown, is a sociopathic sadist who relishes at being able to act out his violent fantasies during filming. Martin dies early in the game when accidentally shot with live ammunition on set during the shooting of the film's final scene. A journalist, Evan Wright, is writing a book about Jacket's spree and trying to learn more about the people behind it. Evan is given leads from Manny Pardo, a psychotic police detective who uses his position to go on killing sprees during stakeout operations, justifying them as self-defense.The Fans, five thrill-seeking killers who are emulating Jacket's spree, carry out a string of murders against petty crooks and drug dealers, unaware of the larger context of Jacket's campaign of violence. Eventually they kill a former henchman of the Russian Mafia, now run by the original boss' son, and when the Son attempts to reconnect with said henchman the Fans follow his call to attack his new hideout.

The Fans are all killed during this attack; their last survivor, Tony, is personally killed by Pardo after surrendering to the police, to deny him his 'fifteen minutes of fame.' The story of The Soldier, the bearded convenience store owner from the previous game, shows him fighting a war against the in Hawaii alongside Jacket in 1985, prior to the first game's events. America appears to be losing this fictitious war, with cities and islands falling to the Soviet Red Army. The Soldier's elite Commando unit has been engaged in a campaign of deep penetration harassment against Russian fortifications and supply depots, however their increasingly detached and psychologically troubled Colonel appears to be losing his grip on reality as the war proceeds, volunteering them for increasingly desperate and dangerous missions while ruminating on their likely impending deaths and the loss of the war. Their last assignment involves besieging a heavily guarded Power Plant controlled by the Russians.

As they make their way into the building, the Soviet commander in charge of it, having apparently gone insane, murders the plant's technicians and begins a meltdown on the main reactor before shooting himself in the head. The Soldier saves Jacket's life during their escape attempt, after a booby trap explodes and severely injures two members of their unit including Jacket, but later dies in 1986 during a nuclear strike on which decisively terminates the war, revealing his appearances in the previous game to be Jacket's comatose hallucinations.The game also follows two other 50 Blessings agents from the original game, Jake and Richter. Jake, a virulently nativist Southern patriot, realizes the officially-peaceful 50 Blessings organization is giving him his orders when he meets with one of their representatives, who denies everything. Afterwards, he is sent on a suicide mission, which the player is given one chance to succeed on.

If the player fails he is captured, tortured, and eventually killed by the Russian Mafia, and if he succeeds 50 Blessings takes him to a safehouse and kills him anyway to silence him. Richter, the agent who killed Jacket's girlfriend, is revealed to be reluctant to work with 50 Blessings until they threaten his ailing mother. Like Jacket, Richter is captured and imprisoned, but manages to escape during a prison riot orchestrated by 50 Blessings during which other incarcerated members were to kill him to keep him from corroborating Jacket's testimony.In 1991, the escaped Richter tells his story to Evan in exchange for plane tickets for his mother to come to Hawaii. Evan's marriage and finances, however, are under pressure as he spends more time working on his book, and the player must choose whether he abandons the book or his family.The final act of the game is centered on the Son, who is trying to reclaim his father's empire from Colombian gangsters who filled the power vacuum the old boss' death left.

Pardo also appears, having a nightmare revealing himself to be the 'Miami Mutilator', a serial killer he has supposedly been hunting. Fearful of his colleagues catching on to his crimes, Pardo boards himself up in his house. After the Son eliminates the Colombians, he invites his old henchman to visit their new hideout, inadvertently giving away his location to the Fans and triggering the attack depicted earlier. Under the hallucinatory influence of his own designer drugs he goes on a rampage, killing the superhuman monsters he sees the Fans as, then walking off the hideout's roof on a to his apparent death.An epilogue shows Richter, reunited with his mother, hearing on the news that the American and Soviet presidents were both assassinated in an attempted, with the prime suspect being an American general.

The Soviet Union declares this an act of war, and launches several atomic attacks against the United States which obliterate Miami and Hawaii. Each of the surviving characters are then shown in their last moments - Manny, Evan, the actress from Midnight Animal, and finally Jacket alone in a prison cell - before being obliterated by the bombs. Subsequently, starting a new game adds an extra introductory scene where Richard berates the playable characters for, once again, starting down a path that can only end in their deaths.Development and release. This section needs expansion. You can help. ( August 2015)Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number was originally made in, but was ported by Abstraction Games to their own SilverWare engine, using their Game Maker conversion program GameBaker, to make the game able to run on platforms other than. The developers have stated that it is the final game of the series.

Painter created the cover art for Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number. In Japan, the localized editions of Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita were bundled together and released as Hotline Miami: Collected Edition on 25 June 2015.As the game didn't support on release, despite other pre-release indications, the community created an which added this compatibility.The game, along with the original Hotline Miami, was released as part of the Hotline Miami Collection for the on 19 August 2019.Later, Hotline Miami Collection was also ported to on 7 April 2020.

Reception Critical reception ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScore(PS4) 75/100(PC) 74/100(Vita) 66/100Review scoresPublicationScore9/108.5/109/108.8/1057/1008.5/10VideoGamer.com7/10Hardcore Gamer4.5/5Upon release, the game received generally positive reviews from critics. On, it holds an aggregated score of 75/100 based on 18 reviews for the PlayStation 4 Version, one of 74/100 based on 67 reviews for the PC version, and one of 66/100 based on four reviews for the PlayStation Vita version. Danny O'Dwyer from gave the game a 9/10, praising its techno and intense soundtrack, entertaining, engaging and challenging gameplay, well-designed controls, striking and vibrant visuals, improved enemy placement, lengthy story, as well as the huge variety of characters, levels and locations. He also praised the game for allowing players to use multiple approaches towards a single objective. However, he criticized the lack of weapon customization.

He summarized the game by saying that 'This is a confident follow-up which improves upon the original in almost every way. This is a tremendously stylish game which entertains throughout, and delights in forcing you out of your comfort zone.Chris Carter from also awarded the game a 9/10, praising the open-ended gameplay, engrossing story, accessible interface and level-creator, as well as the game for allowing players to utilize creativity and strategy in every level. However, he criticized the poor AI.

He summarized the game by saying that ' Hotline Miami 2 may not be as 'profound' as its predecessor, but it's still a bloody good time.' Chloi Rad from gave the game an 8.8/10, praising its high replay value, engaging story, sizable maps, rich characters' backstory, character-specific abilities, the improved lock-on system as well as the level-design, which demands players a new and more cautious approach towards dangers. However, she criticized the occasionally frustrating levels. She summarized the review by saying that ' Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is a great game and a worthy sequel.

It's more confident in its style, storytelling ability, and level design than the first game.' Alex Carlson from Hardcore Gamer gave the game a 4.5/5, praising its seedy and visceral art design and its improvement on its predecessors gameplay, but criticized its adherence to the established formula. He summed up the review saying ' Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is purposely discomforting and hypnotically visceral. It's one of the best games released so far this year.' Steven Burns from gave the game a 7/10, while praising the narrative as well as the brutal violence featured in the game, which he stated 'has tread a fine, sophisticated line between titillation, power, and reflection, an integral part of both narrative and mechanics.'

, he criticized the oversized maps, as well as the game for being overly difficult, frustrating as enemy attack players where they can't be seen from the camera angle, and restrictive as the game forced players to play a certain way very often. Chris Thursten from gave the game a 57/100, criticizing the meaningless characters, alienating rape scene, rigid playstyle restriction, inconsistent AI, frustrating and unavoidable death as well as technical issues.

Yet he still praised the soundtrack, where the 'experience is enormously enhanced by their work'. He summarized the review by saying that 'Restrictive design decisions sap the energy from a series that revels in it, and technical issues deal the killing blow.' Rape depiction controversy The demo shown at Rezzed and the 2013 Penny Arcade Expo featured gameplay in the tutorial that had players appear to attempt to assault a woman sexually as the Pig Butcher. The player character lowered his pants and straddled the woman before the scene is interrupted by the director of Midnight Animal, revealing the whole sequence to be a film shoot.Video game journalists, including Cara Ellison of PC Gamer, spoke out against the usage of sexual assault imagery.

In response, Dennis Wedin stated that Dennaton cut the scene from the demo, and that they were reconsidering putting the scene into the final game. Wedin also stated that they cut the scene short to show that that type of violence is not what the is about.On 15 January 2015 it was reported that because of the implied rape scene, the, which prohibits sale within the country, effectively preventing its wide release there. In an official statement from Devolver Digital and Dennaton Games the creators mentioned that they have added a cut and uncut option for the slasher-flick level.

Dennaton also reconfirmed that the context of the scene is important and that they were 'concerned and disappointed' by the actions of the Classification Board, stating it stretched the facts in its judgment of the game. The statement concluded with Dennaton confirming that they will not challenge the ruling. Developer Dennaton Games have since suggested that people in Australia interested in the game should it if they are unable to purchase a retail copy.With the release of the Nintendo Switch Hotline Miami Collection in August 2019, the game was no longer banned in Australia, with a new rating MA15+. According to Devolver, they had applied for a process for the collection as part of the requirement for publishing on the Switch.

Though originally denied a rating one time, they successfully obtained the appropriate rating on a second submission. Devolver states that this automated rated may still end up challenged by the Australian board later. References. Aziz, Hamza (19 June 2013).

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^ Danny O'Dwyer (11 March 2015). Retrieved 11 March 2015. David Houghton (11 March 2015). Retrieved 11 March 2015. ^ Rad, Chloi (10 March 2015). Retrieved 10 March 2015.

^ Thursten, Chris (10 March 2015). Retrieved 10 March 2015. Griffin McElroy (10 March 2015).

Retrieved 10 March 2015. ^ Burns, Steven (10 March 2015). Retrieved 10 March 2015. ^ Carlson, Alex (12 March 2015). Hardcore Gamer. Retrieved 13 March 2014. Ellison, Cara (15 August 2013).

Retrieved 18 June 2014. Grayson, Nathan (5 September 2013). Retrieved 18 June 2014. Te, Zorine (14 January 2015). Retrieved 5 May 2015.

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Reilly, Luke (19 January 2015). Retrieved 5 May 2015.

O'Conner, James (19 August 2019). Retrieved 21 August 2019.External links.